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Mead. Lond., ’96, 2nd ed., ’21; by F. Legge in S.P.C.K. Lond., ’22.) Papyrus Brucianus / Bodleian Library, Oxford, containing according to Schmidt’s analysis, 1) The Books of Jeou (entitled by Mead, The Book of the Great Logos according to the Mystery); 2) Two fragments of Gnostic invocations; 3) Frag. of the Passage of the Soul through the Archon of the Middle Region; 4) Fragment of an old Gnostic work. (Coptic text with Fr. tr. by Amélineau / Notices et Extraits de MSS. de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres Bibliothèques, vol. XXIX. Pt. I. Paris, ’91. Text with Germ. tr. by C. Schmidt / Gnostische Schriften in Koptischer Sprache aus dem Codex Brucianus. Leip., ’92.) The Akhmim Papyrus, in the Berlin Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, containing: 1) Gospel of Mary Apocryphon (? Apocalypse) of John, 2) The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, 3) Acts of Peter. Schmidt Cf.C. Ein vor-irenaeisches gnos tisches Original-Werk in koptischer Sprache / Sitzber. d. kgl. Akad. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., ’96. Excerpta Theodoti (Greek text Clemens Alex. III. P. 103—33 of Die griech. christ. Schriftst. and in: Bunsen C.C.J. Analecta Antenicaena.

I. P. 205–278, with Lat. tr. by J. Bernays. Lond., ’54). Letter of Ptolemaeus to Flora / Epiphanius. Panaria, Haer. XXXIII. 3–7; Oehler, II, I. 1. P. 400–412 with Lat. tr. Ed. A. Har nack, 2nd ed. Bonn ’12 in Kl. Texte. Naassene Psalm / Hippolytu. Philosophoumena.

V. 182–184, Cruice; Eng. tr. P. 145 in Legge’s tr. or II. P. 62 in his Forerunners, etc.; cf. Wendland. Berl. phil. Woch., ’02 sp. 1324; Swoboda A. Wiener Studien. XXVII. 2. The Hymn of Bardaisan = Th e Hymn of the Soul. The Hymn of the Soul in Acta Thomae, ch. 108—

113. Syriac text by A.S. Bevan / Texts and Studies, V. 3. Camb., ’97. Also by G. Hoffmann / Zeitschr. f. neut. Wïss. IV. P. 273 ff.; Wright. Apoc. Acts of the Apostles, I; Lipsius, Bonnet. Acta Apost. apocr. II,

2. P. 219–224. Leip., ’03. (Eng. tr. by F.C. Burkitt. Lond., ’99; by

G.R.S. Mead in Fragments of a Faith Forgotten. P. 406–414, under title The Hymn of the Robe of Glory and separately under same title Lond., ’08. Excellent Germ. verse tr. in Schultz, Dokumente. P. 13–21; also prose by Hoffmann, l.c.). The Hymn of Jesus / Acta Johannis, XI.

Greek text and tr. by M.R. Ja mes / Texts and Studies, V, 1. P.

10—15. Heracleon. Extant Fragments, Greek text by A. E. Brooke / Texts and Studies, I, 4. Camb., ’91.Basilidis Fragmenta (from VI book of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Ib. I. P. 55–75). Valentini Fragmenta (from book VII of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Analecta Antenicaena. P. 77–96). Basilidis Fragmenta (from book VII of Hippolytus / Bunsen. Ib. I. P.

55—75). For further fragments cf.: Hilgenfeld A. Ketzergeschichte

des Urchristentums (Leip., ’84).

Harpocration. Lexicon (Dindorf, 2 vols. Oxf., ’53).

Heibig W. Wandgemälde der vom Vesuv verschütteten Städte Campaniens (Leip., ’68).

Heliolatry , v.s. Sun-worship.

Heracliti Ephesii Reliquiae / Ed. I. Bywater. Oxf., ’77; and in: Diels. Fragmente d. Vorsokratiker, v.s. Macchioro.

Hermias. Irrisio gentilium philosophorum, v.s. Otto.

Hermippus, sive De Astrologia Dialogus (Anonymi Christiani / Ed. W. Kroll and P. Viereck. Leip., ’95).

Herodotus. Histories (esp. I. 34–45; II. 42, 48, 50–60, 81, 144–146, 156; IV. 79—108; VII. 6; VIII. 65). (Eng. tr. by G.C. Macaulay. Lond., ’90, 2 vols.)

Hierocles. Commentary on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras / Mullach. Fragmenta, I. P. 480 ff., Eng. tr. by N. Rowe. Lond., ’06.

Hippolytus. Philosophoumena, sive Omnium Haeresium Refutatio / Ed. P.M. Cruice. Paris, ’60, with Lat. tr. Best ed. by P. Wendland in Griech. christ. Kirchenväter, 3 vols. Vol. I. Berlin, ’16. Eng. tr. by MacMahon / Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’68; best tr. by F. Legge, 2 vols. Lond., ’21.

Historiae Augustae Scriptores, v.s. Scriptores Hist. Aug. Homer. Odyssey. XI (cf. v. Wilamowitz-Möllendorf U. Hom. Untersuchungen. P. 199 ff.). Homeric Hymns, esp. II (To Demeter), VII (To Dionysos), VIII (To Ares), XIV (To the Mother of the Gods). Best ed. by T.W. Allen,

E.E. Sikes. Lond., ’04; Eng. tr. by J. Edgar. Edin., ’91; A. Lang. Lond., ’99; Evelyn-White H.G. / Loeb. Library, ’14.

Hopfner Th. Fontes Historiae Religionis Aegypticae (3 parts. Bonn, ’22 f., v.s. Fontes, etc.).

Horace. Carmen Saeculare (cf.: Zosimus, II. 5, 6).

Iamblichus. De Vita Pythagorica / Ed. T. Kiessling. Leip. 1815; Nauck A. St. Petersburg, ’84; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond. 1818. De Mysteriis / Ed. G. Parthey. Berlin, ’57; T. Gale, with Lat. tr. Oxf. 1678; Eng. tr. by T. Taylor. Lond., 1821. Protrepticus, Exhortatio ad Philosophiam / Ed. H. Pistelli. Leip., ’88.

Inscriptions : Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (Boeckh A. and others. Berlin, 1828–1877). Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (by Mommsen and others, 1863 ff.). Inscriptiones Graecae (in course of publication by the Prussian Academy. Berlin, since 1873) in following main parts: Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (Berlin, ’73–97). Corpus Inscriptionum Graeciae Septentrionalis / Ed. W. Dittenberger. Ber., ’92. Inscriptiones Graecae Siciliae et Italiae (Kaibel G. Ber., ’90). Inscriptiones Graecae Insularum Maris Aegaei (Gaertringen H. v., Paton W.R. Ber., ’95 f.). Inscriptiones Argolidis. Inscriptiones Megaridis et Boeotiae. Inscriptiones Oris Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (Minns E.H. Camb., ’13). Inscriptionum Latinarum amplissima selectarum Collectio (Orelli J.C., Henzen W. 3 vols. Turin, 1828–1856). Leges Graecorum sacrae e titulis collectae (Prott J. v., Ziehen L. Leip., ’96–06). Inscrizione greche e latine (by E. Breccia in: Antiquités égypt. du Musée d’Alexandrie). Recueil des Inscriptions grecqueschrétiennes d’Egypte (Lefebure G. Cairo, ’07). Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten (Preisigke F. I. Strassburg, ’15 f. Contains also papyri). Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum / Ed. E.L. Hicks. Oxf., ’74 ff. Defi xionum Ta bellae (Audollent A. Paris, ’04). Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (Cagnat R. 3 vols. Paris, ’11–14). Orientis Graecae Inscriptiones Selectae (Ditterberger W. 2 vols. Leip., ’03–05). Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum (Dittenberger W. 2nd ed. 2 vols, and index. Leip., ’88–91; 3rd ed. 4 vols. Leip., ’15–20). Recueil d’Inscriptions grecques, also: Supplement (Michel Ch. Paris, ’00–12). Recueil desInscriptions grecques et latines de l’Égypte (Letronne M. 2 vols. Paris, ’42–48). Inscriptiones antiquae Orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini Graecae et Latinae (Latyschev B. St. Petersburg, ’85). Epigrammata Graeca (Kaibel G. Berlin, ’78). Fouilles d’Epidaure (Cavvadias P. Athens, ’91). Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure (Le Bas P., Waddington W.H. Paris, ’70). Antike Fluchtafeln (Wünsch R. Bonn, ’07). Selection in: Foucart. Des Associations religieuses. P. 187–243.

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