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Pseudo-Apuleius. Asclepius / Ed. P. Thomas. Leip., ’08. Eng. tr. in: Mead. Th rice-greatest Hermes.

Pseudo-Aristotle. De Mundo; Eng. tr. by E. Forster. Oxf., ’14.

Pseudo-Callisthenes. Hist. of Alexander the Great (by E.A.W. Budge).

Pseudo-Dionysius , the Areopagite, esp. De Mystica Th eologia and De Coelesti Hierarchia (Greek text in: Migne . P.G. vols. III–IV; Erigena’s Lat. tr. in: Migne. P.L. CIII; Eng. tr. of former work by

A.B. Sharpe in: Mysticism. Lond., ’10; also, by C.E. Rolt in S.P.C.K.

Lond., ’20; of latter by J. Lupton. Lond., ’69; and by Parker. Lond., ’94, ’97).

Pseudo-Eratosthenes. Catasterismi (Olivieri A. Leip., ’97 in: Mythographi-Graeci, III, 1).

Pseudo-Hippocrates. De Morbo Sacro.

Pseudo-Plato. Axiochus.

Pseudo-Plato. Epinomis (“the first gospel preached to Hellenes of the stellar religion of Asia”).

Ptolemaeus C. Opera / Ed. J.L. Heiberg, Syntaxis Mathematica, 13 books, in 2 vols. Leip., ’98—’03. Opera Astronomica Minora. ’07. Handbuch der Astronomie (Greek text with Germ. tr. and comm. by

K. Manitius, 2 vols. Leip., ’12–13). Almagest = Syntaxis Mathematica.

Reinach S. Répertoire des reliefs grecs et romains (3 vols. Paris, ’09—’12); Rép. des vases peints grecs et étrusques (2 vols. ib., ’99—’00).

Ritter A.H., Preller L. Hist. Philosophiae Graecae-romanae, 9th ed. (Gotha, ’13).

Sacred Books of the East (Eng. tr. ed. by M. Müller and others, 50 vols. Oxf., ’79—’10. Vol. L, valuable index).

Sallustius. De Diis et Mundo (Greek text with Lat. tr. in: Mullach. Fragmenta, III. P. 30–50; Eng. tr. by G. Murray in: Four Stages of Greek Religion. P. 185–214).

Scriptores Historiae Augustae / Ed. H. Peter, 2 vols. Leip., ’84; Eng. tr. by D. Magie in progress in: Loeb. Library. Scriptores rerum mirabilium Graeci / Ed. A. Westermann, Brunswick, ’39. Scriptorum rerum mythicarum Latini / Ed. G.H. Bode. Cellis, ’34. Senatusconsultum de Bacchanalibus / Bruns. Fontes, etc. 7th ed.

P. 164 ff.; C.I.L. I. 196; Livy, XXXIX. 8 f.

Seneca. Epistulae Morales / Ed. O. Hense. Leip., ’14; Dialogorum libri / Ed. E. Hermes. Leip., ’05; De Beneficiis, etc. / Ed. C. Hosius. Leip., ’14; Naturales Quaestiones / Ed. A. Gercke. Leip., ’07; Eng. tr. of Epistulae Morales, by R.M. Gummere, in: Loeb. Library, 3 vols.: tr. of Moral Essays in progress by J.W. Basore; cf. E. Badstübner, Beitr. z. Erklärung der phil. Schriften Senecas. Hamb., ’01.

Serapis v. important prose and verse inscr. from Delos about 200 B.C. / I.G. XI. 4, 1299; Weinreich, Neue Urkunden z. Sarapisreligion. P. 31–33.

Servius. Commentary to Virgil’s Aeneid. Sextus Empiricus / Ed. I. Bekker. Berlin, ’42. Simplicius. Commentary on Aristotle / Ed. Heiberg and others.

Berlin. Sopatros / Walz C. Rhetores Graeci, VIII. Sophocles. Antigone, 944–987, 1115–1154. Oedipus Rex, 211 ff. Statius. Silvae / Ed. A. Klotz. Leip., ’71; Thebais / Ed. P. Kohlmann.

Leip., ’84. Stephanus Byzantinus. Ethnica / Ed. A. Westermann. Leip., ’39. Stobaeus J. Eclogae / Ed. A. Meineke, 2 vols. Leip.; Gaisford T.

2 vols. Oxf., ’50; Florilegium (Meineke A. 4 vols. Leip.); Opera / Ed.

C. Wachsmuth, O. Hense. Berlin, ’84. Strabo. Geographica / Ed. A. Meineke, 3 vols. Leip., ’66–77. Eng. tr. in progress in: Loeb. Library, by W.H.S. Jones, 8 vols. Suetonius. Opera / Ed. C.L. Roth. Leip., ’08. Eng. tr. by J.C. Rolfe,

2 vols. in: Loeb. Library. Suidas. Lexicon / Ed. I. Bekker. Berlin, ’54. Sun-worship. Cf. In laudem solis (IV. P. 433–437 of Baehrens A.

Poetae Latini Minores, 6 vols. Leip., ’79–86); Proclus. Hymn I; Macrobius. Saturnalia, I. 23; Orphic Hymns, VIII; Julian. Oratio, IV (Hymn to King Sun); Ps.-Plato. Epinomis.

Symmachus. Epistulae and Relationes / Ed. O. Seeck. Vol. VI. 1 in:

Monumenta Germaniae historica – auctores antiquissimi. Berlin, ’83). Synesius. Dion / Migne. P.G. LXVI, coll. 1111–1164. Tacitus. Annales and Historiae. Tatian. Oratio ad Graecos / Ed. J.C.T. Otto. Jena, ’51. Taurobolium. Cf. e.g. C.I.L. II. 5260; X. 1596; VI. 497–504, 510, 512; I.G. I. 1019–1020; C.I.A. III. 172.

Tertullian , esp. Contra Marcionem; Apologia; De Praescriptione Haereticorum; Adversus Valentinianos; Ad Nationes / Ed. F. Oehler, 3 vols. Leip., ’53–61; latest ed. by A. Reifferscheid and G. Wissowa, in: Corpus Script. eccles., ’90 f. Eng. tr. by various authors in: Clark. Ante-Nicene Library.

Testament of Epicteta, inscr. from island of Thera, C.I.G. II. 2448;

H. v. Gärtringen, Inscr. Graecae, XII, pt. 3, 330; Cauer, Delectus, 2nd ed. 148; Ziehen-Prott, II. P. 318–222; Michel. Recueil, 1001. Th eo Smyrnaeus. Expositio rerum mathematicarum / Ed. E. Hiller.

Leip., ’78. Th eocritus. Idylls, XV (Festival of Adonis); XXVI (Th e Bacchanals).

Th eophilus. Ad Autolycum / Ed. J.C.T. Otto in vol. II of Corpus Apologetarum Christ. Saec. II. Jena, ’61; Eng. tr. by Marcus Dods, in: Clark. Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’67.

Th eophrastus. Deisidaemon, Characteres, XXVIII (XVI). Jebb and

Sandy’s ed. Lond., ’09, with tr. Tresp A. Die Fragmente der griech. Kultschriftsteller (Giessen, ’14). Usener H. Epicurea (Leip., ’87). Valentinus v. s. Gnosticism. Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica / Ed. C. Schenkl. Berlin, ’71. Varro M. Terrentius. Antiquitatum rerum humanarum et divina

rum, libri I, XIV, XV, XVI. ed. R. Agahd. Leip., ’98. Id. Liber XVI, ed. E. Schwarz, ’88. Id. The Sources of the First Ten Books of Augustine’s De Civitate

Dei, S. Angus. Princeton, ’06. Vettius Valens, Anthologiarum libri / Ed. W. Kroll. Berlin, ’08.

Also in: Catalogus Codicum astrologorum graec. Virgil. Aeneid VI (with Norden’s Commentary); Eclogae, IV. Zeno. Fragments of Zeno and Cleanthes / Ed. A.C. Pearson. Lond.,

’91; also in: Arnim. Stoic. vet. Frag. Zosimus. Nova Historia / Ed. L. Mendelssohn. Leip., ’87. French tr. by Cousin. Paris, 1678; Eng. tr. anon. Lond. 1684, 1814.


Современные авторы

Boulanger A. Orphée; Rapports de l’Orphisme et du Christianisme (Paris, ’25).

Carcopino J. Etudes romaines: La basilique pythagoricienne de la porte majeure (Paris, ’26); La basilique de la porte majeure (I in: Rev. des deux mondes, XXXV. P. 781–810; II, ib. XXXVI. P. 170–201; III, Une église pythagoricienne, ib. P. 391–425).

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