Òàéíûå êóëüòû äðåâíèõ. Ðåëèãèè ìèñòåðèé - ÷èòàòü îíëàéí êíèãó. Àâòîð: Ñ. Ýíãóñ còð.¹ 85

÷èòàòü êíèãè îíëàéí áåñïëàòíî

Îíëàéí êíèãà - Òàéíûå êóëüòû äðåâíèõ. Ðåëèãèè ìèñòåðèé | Àâòîð êíèãè - Ñ. Ýíãóñ

Còðàíèöà 85
÷èòàòü îíëàéí êíèãè áåñïëàòíî

Origen. Contra Celsum / C. and V. de la Rue’s ed. Paris, 1733–1759, reprinted in Migne; Eng. tr. by F. Crombie and W.H. Cairns / Clark. Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’72.

Orphism : Argonautica; Lithica; Hymni. All three in: A.C. Eschenbach’s ed. Trajecti-ad-Rhenum, 1689; Tauchnitz ed. of the Orphica. Leip. 1829; Hermann G. Orphica. Leip. 1805. Fragments in Orphica / Ed. E. Abel (Leip. – Prague, ’85). Nova Fragmenta Orphica, by Vari in: Wiener Studien, XII. P. 222 ff. Orphicorum Fragmenta / Ed.

O. Kern (Berlin, ’22). Orphic Tablets / Ed. A. Olivieri, Lamellae aureae orphicae. Bonn, ’15; Diels. Fragmente d. Vorsokratiker, 3rd ed.

II. P. 163 ff.; Harrison J. Prolegomena by G. Murray, text and Eng. tr. P. 660–674. (Eng. tr. of Hymns by T. Taylor. Lond., 1787, reprint 1896.)

Otto J.C.T. Hermiae philosophi Irrisio gentilium philosophorum. Apologetarum Quadrati Aristidis Aristonis Miltiadis Melitonis Apollinaris Reliquiae (Jena, ’72).

Overbeck J.A. Gesch. d. griech. Plastik (Leip., ’93–94); Griech. Kunstmythologie (3 vols. Leip., ’71–89).

Ovid , e.g.: Pont. I. 1, 37–51; Amatores, II. 13, 7 ff.; Fasti, XX, iv, 223 ff., 305–330; Met. XV. 61—478, 622 ff.

Paean to Dionysus, from Delphi (338 B.C.): reconstruction of Greek text by H. Weil in: Bull. de Corr. Hell. XIX. ’95. P. 400 ff.; Eng. tr. in: Harrison J. Proleg. P. 439, 542.

Palaephatus : περὶ ἀπίσων / Ed. N. Festa, Leip., ’02; Mythographi Graeci, III. 2.

Panaetii et Hecatonis Fragmenta (H.N. Fowler. Lond., ’85).

Papyri : The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vols. I–XVI. Lond., ’98–24. The Flinders Petrie Papyri, 3 parts. Dublin, ’91–94. Th e Tebtunis Papyri, 2 vols. Lond., ’02–07. The Amherst Papyri, 2 vols. Lond.,’00–01. Fayum Towns and their Papyri. Lond., ’00. Ägyptische Urkunden aus den kgl. Museen zu Berlin: Griechische, 5 vols. Berlin,’95–19. Griechische Urkunden des Ägyptischen Museum zu Kairo (Preisig ke F. Strassbourg, ’11—). Selections from the Greek Papyri, 2nd ed. G. Milligan. Camb., ’12. Papyri Ercolanesi / Ed. D. Comparetti. Turin, ’75. Papyrus ptolémaïques du Musée d’Alexandrie (Botti G. Alexand ria, ’99). Greek Papyri in the British Museum, ed. F.G. Kenyon, 3 vols. Lond., ’93—’07. Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum (Good speed E.J. Chicago, ’06). Les Papyrus de Genève (Nicole J. Geneva, ’96–00). Papiri Grechi et Latini, 5 parts, Florence, ’12–17. Heidelberger Papyrus-Sammlung / Ed. A. Deissmann. Heidelberg, ’05. Pa pyri Fiorentini (3 vols. ed. G. Vitelli and D. Comparetti. Milan, ’06–15). Corpus Papyrorum Raineri / Ed. K. Wessely. Vienna, ’95. Papyrus grecs de Lille / Ed. P. Jouget, 2 parts. Paris, ’07–08. See also under Magic.

Pausanias. Description of Greece / Ed. F. Spiro, 3 vols. Leip., ’03; Eng. tr. and commentary by J.G. Frazer, 6 vols. Lon., ’98.

Peter, Apocalypse of. Greek text in: Robinson, James. Th e Gospel according to Peter. Lond. P. 89–96; cf.: Dieterich A. Nekyia, 2nd ed. Leip., ’13.

Petosiris. Vol. VII. P. 130 ff. of Catalogus Astrologorum Graecorum, ed. Fr. Boll. Cf. under Nechepso.

Philo Judaeus. Opera, ed. T. Mangey, 6 vols. Lond. 1742; Tauchnitz, ed. 8 vols. Leip., ’51–80; Cohn-Wendland, ed. 6 vols. Berl., ’96–15; Fragments, by J.R. Harris. Camb., ’86; Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge, 4 vols. Lond., ’51–55.

Philocalus. Calendarium / C.I.L. I, part 1, 2nd ed. with comm. of Th. Mommsen. Berlin, ’93).

Philostratus. Opera / Ed. C. L. Kayser. Leip., ’70–11; also by Westermann A. in: Didot. Philostrati et Callistrati opera, with Lat. tr.

P. 1—194, 267–318, Paris, ’78. Life of Apollonius of Tyana (Eng. tr. by Conybeare F.C. in: Loeb. Library, 2 vols. Lond., ’12; tr. with introd. and notes by Phillimore J.S. 2 vols. Oxf., ’12). Heroicus (Didot.

P. 267–318). Photius. Bibliotheca / Migne. P.G. CIII–IV; Eng. tr. by J.H. Free-se in 6 vols, in progress in S.P.C.K.

Pindar. Paeans (Greek text with comm. and tr. / Oxyrhynchus Papyri. V. P. 11—110; text and tr. by J. Sandys in: Loeb. Library.

P. 518–551). Olympic, 2. Plato. Phaedrus, Phaedo, Republic, Laws, Timaeus, Symposium,

Gorgias. Pliny. Historia Naturalis / Ed. D. Dtelefsen, Berlin, ’66–82; ed.

L. Janus, 6 vols. Leip., ’70–98; Mayhoff C. ’92–09; Eng. tr. by

J. Bostock and H.T. Riley, 6 vols. Lond., ’55–57.

Plotinus. Enneades / Ed. R. Volkmann, 2 vols. Leip., ’83–84; Lat. tr. by Massilio Ficino, 1492; French tr. by N. Bouillet, 3 vols. Paris; Germ. tr. by H.F. Müller, 2 vols. Berlin, ’78–80; partial Eng. tr. by

T. Taylor, Lond. 1787–1834. Complete Eng. tr. in progress by Stephen McKenna. Lond., ’17 f.

Plutarch. Moralia / Ed. G.N. Bernardakis, 7 vols. Leip., ’88–96; Eng. tr. of select essays by C.W. King in: Bohn. Class. Library. Lond., ’82; of others by A.R. Shilleto, in: Bohn. Lond., ’88. Selected Essays (tr. by T.G. Tucker. Oxf., ’13; vol. II, by A.O. Pickard. Oxf., ’18; complete tr. ed. W.W. Goodwin, 5 vols., ’70). Vitae / Ed. C. Sintenis, 5 vols. 2nd ed. Leip., ’89—’12; Eng. tr. by B. Perrin in 11 vols. in progress in: Loeb. Lib. Lond., ’14 ff.

Polybius / Ed. L. Dindorf, Leip., ’86–88; Eng. tr. in progress in: Loeb. Library, by W.H. Paton, in 6 vols.

Porphyry. De Abstinentia / Ed. A. Nauck. Leip. 85; R. Herscher. Paris, ’58. Vita Plotini / Ed. R. Volkmann, in ed. of Plotinus. Vita Pythagorae / Ed. A. Nauck. Leip., ’86. De Antro Nympharum / Ed.

A. Nauck, ’85. Ep. ad Marcellam / Ed. A. Nauck. ’85. Ad Anebonem / Parthey ed. of Iamblichus, De Mysteriis. Sententiae / Ed. B. Mommert. Leip., ’07. (Eng. tr. of De Abst. and De Antro Nymph. in: Taylor T. Select Works. Lond. 1823; of De Abst. by S. Hibberd. Lond., ’57; of Ad Marc. by A. Zimmern. Lond., ’96; of Vita Plotini, by McKenna in tr. of Plotinus; of Sententiae by T. Davidson in Jour. of Spec. Phil. III., ’69.)

Posidonii Rhodii Reliquiae Doctrinae / Ed. J. Bake, Leiden, 1810.

Proclus. Institutio Theologica / Ed. G.F. Creuzer in: Didot. ed. of Plotinus. P. XLVII–CXVII. In Platonis rempublicam Commentaria / Ed. W. Kroll, 2 vols. Leip., ’99—’01. In Timaeum / Ed. E. Diehl, 3 vols. Leip., ’03–06. In Plat. Cratylum Comm. / Ed. G. Pasquali. Leip., ’08. Parmenides / Ed. A.E. Chaignet. ’00–03. Hymni / Tauchnitz ed. of Anthologia Graeca. Leip., ’29; Abel E. Leip., ’83; Ludwich A. ’95. (Eng. tr. The Six Books of Proclus, including On the Th eology of Plato, Elements of Theology, On Providence, and minor frags., by

T. Taylor, 2 vols. Lond., 1816.) Prudentius. Peristephanon, X. 1006–1085 (cited in Hepding, At-tis, 65–67).

Psellus M. Quaenam sunt Graecorum opiniones de Daemonibus / Boissonade J.F. Nuremberg, ’38; P. 875–882 / Migne. P.G. CXXII. De Daemonum energia sue operatione (Migne, ib. P. 82–75). Expositio in Oracula Chaldaica (after Gallaeus / Ed. Migne, ib. P. 1115–1150).

Âåðíóòüñÿ ê ïðîñìîòðó êíèãè Ïåðåéòè ê Îãëàâëåíèþ