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Cicero. Philosophical Works: Academica / Ed. with commentary and tr. by J.S. Reid, 2 vols. Lond., ’85. De Divinatione / Ed. of

J.G. Baiter, C.L. Kayser. Leip., ’60–69; or ed. of R. Klotz or Th. Schiche. De Officiis / Ed. C.F.W. Müller, Leip., ’82; Ed. H. Holden, 7th ed. Lond., ’91; Eng. tr. by G.B. Gardiner. Lond., ’99; by W. Miller / Loeb. Class. Lib. De Finibus / Ed. J.N. Madvig, 3rd ed., ’76; with intro. and comm. by W.M.L. Hutchison, ’09; Eng. tr. by H. Rackham / Loeb. Class. Lib. De Fato (Müller, ’98). De Legibus / Ed. of Baiter and Kayser, or C.F.W. Müller, Leip., ’98. De Republica (Müller, Leip., ’98). Paradoxa / Ed. M. Schneider. Leip., ’91; Eng. tr. by C.R. Edmonds. Lond., ’74. De Natura Deorum / Ed. with comm. by J.B. Mayor, 3 vols., ’80–85. Tusculanae Disputationes / Ed. O. Heine. ’96);

v. s. Hirzel. Cleanthes / Arnim’s Stoic. Vet. Frag. Fragments also by A.C. Pearson, ’91). Clemen C. Fontes Historiae religionis Persicae (Bonn, ’20 f.; v.s. Fontes).

Clement Alexandrinus. Paedagogus. Protrepticus, esp. II. Stromateis / Ed. G. Dindorf, 4 vols. Oxf., ’69. Best ed. of Paedagogus and Protrepticus, O. Stählin (Leip., ’05–09). Eng. tr. of Stromateis, bk. VII, by J.B. Mayor. Lond., ’02; of whole by W. Wilson / Clark. Ante-Nicene Library (2 vols. Edin., ’67–69).

Collegia: Roman Legislation re / Brun. Fontes. Pt. II. ch. XIII.

Conon. Diegeseis / Photiu. Bibliotheca, Migne, P. Gr.

Cornutus. Theologiae Graecae Compendium / Ed. C. Lang, Leip.,


Corpus Haereseologicum / Ed. by F. Oehler, 5 parts. Berlin, ’56–61.

Corpus Hermeticum: Poimandres / Ed. G. Parthey. Berlin, ’54; Ed.

R. Reitzenstein, Leip., ’04. Asclepius, or The Perfect Word (Latin version by (?) Apuleius, ed. P. Thomas, Leip., ’08). Aesculapii Defi nitiones ad Ammonem Regem (Greek text with Lat. tr. by M. Ficino in Turnebus’ ed. of Poemander. Paris, 1554). Numerous Extracts / Johannes Stobaeus. Minor Fragments / Lactantius, Cyril, Suidas, Psellus; v. F. Patrizzi, Nova de universis philosophia, Ferrara, 1591. Eng. tr. of Poimandres from Arabic, The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus, by Everard. Lond., 1650; reprinted in Jour. Spec. Phil. July, ’66. Th e Th eological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Christian Neo-Platonist, by J.D. Chambers (Edin., ’82). Most complete tr. by G.R.S. Mead, Thrice-greatest Hermes (3 vols. Lond. – Benares, ’06).

Cultores Dianae et Antinoi, the Lexs Collegi from inscription of Lanuvium, C.I. Lat. XIV, 2112: Bruns. Fontes, 6th ed. P. 345 ff.: Dessau. Inscr. Lat. Selectae, 7212.

Curtius R. Quintus. De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni / Ed. E. Heidicke, ’08.

Cyril. Contra Julianum.

Damascius. De primis principiis / Ed. C.A. Ruelle, 2 parts. Par., ’89; French tr. A.E. Chaignet. Par., ’98.

Democritus. De Sympathiis et Antipathiis / Fabricius. Bibliotheca Graeca, IV. Pt. II. P. 333–338.

Demosthenes. De Corona, 259 ff.

Diels H. Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (Greek text with Germ. tr. 2 vols. in 3 parts, 2nd ed. Berlin, ’03–10; 3rd ed. ’12 ff.; 4th ed. ’22). Poetarum Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta (Berlin, ’01). Doxographi Graeci (Berlin, ’79).

Dio Cassius. Historia Romana / Ed. L. Dindorf. Leip., ’63–65; Ed.

J. Melber. Leip., ’90 f.; Boissevain U.P. 3 vols. Berl., ’95—101. Eng.

tr. in 9 vols. in progress by E. Cary / Loeb. Class. Lib. Dio Chrysostom. Orationes / Ed. L. Dindorf. Leip., ’57; best ed.

J. de Arnim, 2 vols. Berlin, ’93–96. Diodorus Siculus. Bibliotheca Historica / Ed. Vogel, 3 vols. Leip., ’83–93.

Diogenes Laertius. De Vitis Philosophorum / Ed. H.G. Hübner, 2 vols. Leip., ’28—’31; also by C.G. Cobet, Didot. Paris, ’78. Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge. Lond., ’53.

Dionysiac Mysteries : Edict of Ptolemy Philopator on private initiations outside Alexandria (Greek text and Germ. tr. by W. v. Schubart / Amtliche Berichte aus d. könig. Kunstsammlungen of Strassburg, XXXVIII, 7, coll. 189–197. Text and Fr. tr. by P. Roussel / Comptes Rendus, ’19. P. 238. Cf. R. Reitzenstein, Archiv f. Religionswis. XIX., ’18. P. 191–194).

Dionysiac Thiasos of Athenians , second cent. B.C. Insc. Graecae, II, 623.

Dionysius. Periegetes / Müller C. Geographi Graeci Minores, II. Paris, ’82.

Dionysius Halicarnassus. Antiquitates Romanae / Ed. C. Jacoby. Leip., ’85—’05.

Dithyramb of the Women of Elis / Plutarch. Quaest. Gr. XXXVI.

P. 299. Epictetus. Dissertationes (H. Schenkl, Leip., ’04. Eng. tr. by

G. Long. Lond., ’48, ’91). Epidaurian temple-cures inscribed on slabs , v. Cavvadias, Ἐφ. Ἀρχ.,’83. P. 198 ff.; ’85. P. 16 ff. Cavvadias. Fouilles d’Épidaure (Athens, ’91). Epiphanius. Panaria (Greek text with Lat. tr. of Petavius and

comm. of A. Jahn / Oehler. Corpus Haeresiologicum. II–III).

Etymologicum Magnum (Oxf., ’48; ed. Sylburg. Leip. 1816).

Eunapius. Vitae Sophistarum (Greek text with Lat. tr. by J.F. Boissonade / Ed. Didot. Paris, ’73).

Euripides. Bacchae (Eng. tr. by G. Murray, or A.S.Way). Fragment of the Cretans / Frag. tragica papyracea, V., A. Hunt. Oxf., ’12. Chorus from Cretans / Porphyry. De Abst. IV. 19; No. 475 / Nauck. Tragicorum graec. frag.; Ed. Didot. P. 735. Eng. tr. by G. Murray, Euripides, 5th ed. P. 324. Phoenissae, 649 ff.; Alcestis, 962 ff.; Ion, 1074–1086; Helena, 1301–1368.

Eusebius. Praeparatio Evangelica (4 vols. T. Gaisford. Oxf., ’43).

Fairbanks A. The First Philosophers of Greece (Fragments, with Eng. tr. and notes. Lond., ’98).

Fontes Historiae Religionum ex Auctoribus Graecis et Latinis collectos / Ed. C. Clemen. Bonn, ’20 f.

Fragmenta Herculanensia (W. Scott. Oxf., ’85).

Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum / Ed. C. and Th. Müller, Di

dot, 4 vols. Paris, ’41–53. Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecorum / Ed. F.G.A. Mullach, 3 vols. Paris, ’81–83.

Galenus. Opera / Ed. Marquardt, Müller and others / Teubner. Leip., ’84–93. Eng. tr. of Natural Faculties, by A.J. Brock / Loeb. Class. Library.

Geminus. Elementa astronomica (Greek, with Germ. tr. by K. Manitius. Leip., ’98).

Gnosticism : Codex Askewianus, containing Coptic text of: 1) Pistis Sophia, 2) Part of the Texts of the Saviour, 3) Frag. on Th e Mystery of the Ineffable. (French tr. by E. Amélineau. Paris, ’95; Germ. tr. by

C. Schmidt / Koptisch-Gnostische Schriften. Leip., ’05; Eng. tr. by

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