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Wessely K. Spread of Jewish-Christian Ideas among the Egyptians (Expositor, ’86. P. 199–204); Ephesia Grammata (Vienna, ’86).

Westermarck E. Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas (2 vols. Lond., ’06–08).

Whittaker T. The Origins of Christianity (2nd ed. Lond., ’09).

Wiedemann A. The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul (Eng. tr. Lond., ’95); Religion of the Ancient Egyptians (Eng. tr. Lond., ’97); The Realms of the Egyptian Dead (ib., ’01).

Windisch H. Taufe u. Sünde im ältesten Christentum (Tüb., ’08); Urchristentum u. Hermesmystik / Theol. Tijdsch., ’18, 4. P. 186–240).

Wissowa G. Religion u. Kultus der Römer (2nd ed. Munich, ’12).

Wobbermin G. Religionsgesch. Studien zur Frage der Beeinfl ussung des Urchristentums durch das antike Mysterienwesen (Berlin, ’96).

Zahn Th. Skizzen aus dem Leben der alten Kirche (2nd ed. Erlangen, ’98).

Zeller E. Outlines of the history of Greek Philosophy (Eng. tr. Lond., ’95); Pre-Socratic Philosophy (Eng. tr. 2 vols. ib., ’81); Plato and the Older Academy (Eng. tr. ib., ’76); Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics (Eng. tr. 2 vols. ib., ’97); Socrates and the Socratic Schools (Eng. tr. 2nd ed. ib., ’77); Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics (Eng. tr. ib., ’80); History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy (Eng. tr. ib., ’83); Religion u. Philosophie bei den Römern (Vortr. u. Abhandl. 2nd ser.

P. 93—105); Zur Vorgesch. des Christentums: Essener u. Orphiker (Kl. Sch. P. 120–184).

Zielinski Th. Hermes u. die Hermetik / Arch. f. Religionswis. VIII. ’05. P. 321–372; IX. ’06. P. 25–60).

Zipfel G. Das Taurobolium (P. 498–520, Festsch. L. Friedländers dargebracht. Leip., ’95).

Zöckler O. Askese u. Mönchtum (2nd ed. Frankf., ’97).


Abercius. Inscription of: Die Grabschrift des Abercius / ed.

W. Lüdtke, Th. Nissen, Leip., ’10; ed. A. Dieterich, Leip., ’96; id. Cabrol-Leclercq, I. 85–87. Achilles. Isagoge ad Arati Phaenomena / Migne. Patrologia Graeca; critical ed. in Maas. Aratea. Berlin, ’92. Acta Thomae. Gk. text by M.R. James, Eng. tr. by S.C. Malan /

Texts and Studies. V. 1. P. 28–63.

Aesculapius, Prayer to, C.I.A. III, 171.

Almagest , v.s. Claudius Ptolemaeus.

Ancient Fragments: Greek and Latin texts with tr. by I. P. Cory (2nd ed. Lond., 1832).

Andania : Mystery-inscription of (Demeter, Kore and (?) the Kabiri) 91 B.C. / Dittenberger. Sylloge. 2nd ed. 653; 3rd ed. 736; Cauer. Delectus. 2nd ed. 47; Sauppe. Die Mysterien-Inschrift von Andania (Gött., ’60); Inscr. d’Andania, by P. Foucart (Paris, n.d.); Collitz. Dialect-Inschriften, 4689; Michel. Recueil, 694; Prott-Ziehen, II. 58; LG. V. 1390.

Andros. Hymn to Isis / Kaibel. Epig. Graec. 1028; Abel. Orphica.

P. 295 f.; I.G. XII, 5, 1, no. 739.

Apollodorus Atheniensis. Bibliotheca / Ed. I. Bekker. Leip., ’54; v. Mythologi Graeci / Ed. R. Wagner. Leip., ’94; also in: Müller. Frag. hist. gr. I.; Eng. tr. by J. Frazer / Loeb. Class. Lib. 2 vols., ’21.

Apollonius Rhodius. Argonautica / Ed. R.C. Seaton, Oxf.; Eng. tr.

A. S. Way. Lond., ’01; also by R.C. Seaton / Loeb. Class. Library. ’12. Apuleius. Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass, especially bk. XI. / Ed.

R. Helm, Leip., ’13, Eng. tr. by H.E. Butler, 2 vols. Oxf., ’10; also by Adlington, Gaselee / Loeb. Class. Library. De Magia (Apologia) / Ed.

R. Helm. Leip., ’15. De Deo Socratis; De Piatone; De Mundo / Ed.

P. Thomas, Leip., ’08.

Aratus. Phaenomena / Ed. E. Maas. Berlin, ’93 (Eng. tr. by G.R.

Mair, Loeb. Class. Library, ’21). Comm. in Aratum reliquiae, col. E.

Maas. Berlin, ’98. Aratea E. Maas. Berlin, ’92.

Aristides. Apology (Syriac text with Eng. tr. by J.R. Harris, with portion of Greek text by J.A. Robinson / Texts and Studies. I. 1, 2nd ed, Camb., ’93).

Aristides, Aelius Rhetor. Orationes Sacrae / Ed. Dindorf, 3 vols. Leip., ’29. Aristophanes. Nubes, ll., 223 ff., 382 ff. Lysistrata, 388 ff.; Vespes, 5 ff.; Ranae, 324 ff., 455 ff.; Thesmae, 134 ff. Arnim H. v. Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta (3 vols. Leip., ’03–05).

Arnobius. Adversus Gentes / Ed. A. Reifferscheid. Vienna, ’75. Eng. tr. by A.H. Bryce, H. Campbell / Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’71.

Arrian , v.s. Epictetus. Artemidorus. Oneirocritica / Ed. Reiff, Leip., 1805. Asclepiasts. Guild of, in Attica, I.G. II. 617. Asclepius, v. Corpus Hermeticum. Athenaeus. Deipnosophistae / Ed. G. Kaibel, 3 vols. Leip., ’87—

’90; Eng. tr. by C.D. Yonge / Bohn. Class. Library. Athenagoras. Apology for the Christians (Legatio / Ed. J.C.T. Otto.

Jena, ’57; Eng. tr. by B.P. Pratten / Ante-Nicene Library. Edin., ’67). Attis, Hymn to, Hippolytus. Ref. omn. Haer. (Philosoph.) V. 9. Augustine. De Civitate Dei (ed. B. Dombart, 2 vols. Leip., ’77—

92); Eng. tr. by Marcus Dods / Post-Nicene Fathers. Augustus. Res Gestae Divi Augusti ex Monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi (by Th. Mommsen, 2nd ed. Berl., ’83). Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticae / Ed. C. Hosius. Leip., ’03; Eng. tr. by W. Beloe. Lond., 1795. Autolychus. De Sphaera quae movetur (Greek text with Lat. tr. by

F. Hultsch. Leip., ’85).

Berossus. Fragments / Mullach. Frag. hist. Gr. II. P. 495–510; Be rossos u. d. Babyl.-Hellenistische Literatur, by P. Schnabel. Leip.,

23. Berthelot M. et Ruelle E. Collection des anciens Alchimistes grecs (Paris, ’87–88).

Bruns C.G. Fontes Iuris Romani antiqui (6th ed. Freib. – Leip., ’93).

Callimachus. Hymns / Ed. Wilamowitz-Moellendorf. Berl., ’07; Eng. tr. by A.W. Mair / Loeb. Class. Library. ’21.

Callixenes of Rhodes. Bacchic procession at Alexandria under Ptolemy Philadelphus / Athenaeus. V. 25–35 (196a—203b).

Carmen contra Paganos (Anon.) from fourth century, ll., 57—109. (Baehrens. Poetae Lat. Min. III. P. 286 f.; Hepding. Attis. P. 61.)

Catalogus Codicum astrologicorum Graecorum / Ed. F. Boll, Fr. Cumont, W. Kroll, A. Olivieri and others. I–VIII, Brussels, ’98–12).

Catullus. Carmen, LXIII / Ed. of Ellis.

Chaldean Oracles v. G. Kroll, De Oraculis Chaldaeis / Breslauer phil. Abhandl. VII. ’94. Pt. 1. Mead G.R.S. The Chaldaean Oracles (Lond. – Benares, ’08).

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