The VAGINA BOOK. Главная книга для тех, у кого есть этот орган - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Дженнифер Гюнтер cтр.№ 104

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Онлайн книга - The VAGINA BOOK. Главная книга для тех, у кого есть этот орган | Автор книги - Дженнифер Гюнтер

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Vaccaro, C.M. The use of magnetic resonance imaging for studying female sexual function: A review. Clinical Anatomy 2015: 28; 324–330.

Shirazi, T., Renfro, K.J., Lloyd, E., Wallen, K. Women’s experiences of orgasm during intercourse: Question semantics affect women’s reports and men’s estimates of orgasm occurrence. Arch Sex Behav 2018; 47: 605–613.

Gleick, James. Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything. Vintage Books, New York. 1999.

Глава 5. Беременность и роды

ACOG committee opinion no. 742 postpartum pain management. Obstet Gynecol 2018; 132: e25-e42.

ACOG committee opinion no. 736 optimizing postpartum care. Obstet Gynecol 2018; 131: e140-e150.

Leeman, L.M., Rogers, R.G. Sex after childbirth: Postpartum sexual function. Obstet Gynecol 2012; 119: 647–655.

Jones, C., Chan, C., Farine, D. Sex in pregnancy. CMAJ 2011; 183: 815–818.

Глава 6. Медицинское обслуживание

CDC cervical cancer screening guidelines., accessed 11 Nov 2018.

Guirguis-Blake, J.M., Henderson, J.T., Perdue, L.A. Periodic screening examination evidence report and systematic review for the US preventative services task force. JAMA 2017; 317: 954–966.

ACOG committee opinion no. 626 the transition from pediatric to adult health care: Preventive care for young women aged 18–26 years, 2015 (Reaffirmed 2017). Obstet Gynecol 2015; 125: 752-4.

Bates, C.K., Carroll, N., Potter, J. The challenging pelvic examination. J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26: 651–657.

Глава 7. Питание и вагинальноез доровье

Mirmonsef, P., Hotton, A.L., Gilbert, D., et al. Glycogen levels in undiluted genital fluid and their relationship to vaginal pH, estrogen, and progesterone. PLOS ONE 2016; 11; e0153553.

Jepson, R., Craig, J., Williams, G. Cranberry products and prevention of urinary tract infections JAMA 2013; 310: 1395–1396.

Holscher, H.D. Dietary fiber and prebiotics and the gastrointestinal microbiota. Gut Microbes. 2017 Mar 4; 8: 172–184.

Harlow, B.L., Abenhaim, H.A., Vitonis, A.F., Harnack, L. Influence of dietary oxalates on the risk of adult-onset vulvodynia. J Reprod Med 2008 Mar; 53: 171-8.

Глава8. Главное о нижнем белье

Runeman, B., Rybo, G., Forsgren-Brusk, U., Karkö, Larson, P., Faergemann, J. The vulvar skin microenvironment: Impact of tight underwear on microclimate, pH and microflora. Acta Derm Venerol 2005; 85: 118–122.

Mårdh, P-A., Novikova, N., Stukalova, E. Colonisation of extragenital sites by Candida albicans with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. BJOG 2003; 110: 934–937.

Mårdh, P-A., Rodrigues, A., Genc, M., Novikova, N., Martinez-de-Oliviera, J., Guashino, S. Fact and myths on recurrent vulvovaginal candiosis-A review of epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy. Int J STD AIDS 2002; 13: 522–539.

Alam, P.A., Burkett, L.A., Clark, B.A., Tefera, E.A., Richter, L.A. Randomized crossover comparison of Icon™ reusable underwear to disposable pads for management of mild to moderate urinary incontinence. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 2018; 24: 161–165.

Глава 9. Все о смазке

Cunha, A.R., Machado, R.M., Palmeira-de-Oliveira, A., Martinez-de-Oliveira, J., das Neves, J., Palmeira-de-Oliveira, R. Characterization of commercially available vaginal lubricants: A safety perspective. Pharmaceutics 2014; 6: 530–542.

Use and procurement of additional lubricants for male and female condoms: WHO/UNFPA/FHI360 Advisory Note. World Health Organization 2012.

Steiner, A.Z., Long, D.L., Tanner, C., Herring, A.H. Effect of vaginal lubricants on natural fertility. Obstet Gynecol 2012; 120: 44–51.

Edwards, D., Panay, N. Treating vulvovaginal atrophy/genitourinary syndrome of menopause: How important is vaginal lubricant and moisturizer composition? Climacteric 2016; 19: 151–161.

Глава 10. Упражнения Кегеля

Price, N., Dawood, R., Jackson, S.R. Pelvic floor exercises for urinary incontinence: A systematic literature review. Maturitas 2010; 67: 3019-315.

Bø, K., Sherburn, M. Evaluation of pelvic floor muscle function and strength. Physical Therapy 2005; 85: 269–282.

National Association for Continence;, accessed 10 Nov 2018.

Barnes, K.L., Dunivan, G., Jaramillo-Juff, A., Krantz, T., Thompson, J., Jeppson, P. Evaluation of smartphone pelvic floor exercise applications using standardized scoring system. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg 2018.

Глава11. Гигиенавульвы: мыло, очищающиесредстваисалфетки

Farage, M., Maibach, H.I. The vulvar epithelium differs from the skin: Implications for cutaneous testing to address topical vulvar exposures. Contact Dermatitis 2014; 51; 201–209.

Schmid-Wendtner, M.H., Korting, H.C. The pH of the skin surface and its impact on the barrier function. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2006; 19: 296–302.

Mendes, B.R., Shimabukuro, D.M., Uber, M., Abagge, K.T. Critical assessment of the pH of children’s soap. J Pediatr 2016; 92: 290–295.

Aschenbeck, K.A., Warshaw, E.M. Allergenic ingredients in personal hygiene wet wipes. Dermatitis 2017.

Глава 12. Гигиена влагалища: спринцевание, пропаривание, спреи и травяные сборы

Crann, S.E., Cunningham, S., Albert, A., Money, D.M., O’Doherty, K.C. Vaginal health and hygiene practices and product use in Canada: A national cross-sectional survey. Bio- Med Central 2018.

Grimley, D.M., Annang, L., Foushee, H.R., Bruce, F.C., Kendrick, J.S. Vaginal douches and other feminine hygiene products: Women’s practices and perceptions of product safety. Maternal and Child Health Journal 2006; 10: 303–310.

Brown, J.M., Poirot, E., Hess, K.L., Brown, S., Vertucci, M., Hezareh, M. Motivations for intravaginal product use among a cohort of women in Los Angeles. PLOS ONE 2016; 11: e0151378.

Brown, J.M., Hess, K.L., Brown, S., Murphy, C., Waldman, A.L., Hezareh, M. Intravaginal practices and risk of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis in a cohort of women in the United States. Obstet Gynecol 2013; 121: 773–780.

Глава 13. Удаление лобковых волос и интимные стрижки

Pauls, R., Cotsarelis, G. The biology of hair follicles. NEJM. 1999; 341: 491–497.

Schild Suhren, M., Soliman, A.A., Malik, E. Pubic hair shaving is correlated with dysplasia and inflammation: A case-control study. Infec DIs Obstet Gynecol 2017.

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