Психология стресса - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Роберт Сапольски cтр.№ 151

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Онлайн книга - Психология стресса | Автор книги - Роберт Сапольски

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Стр. 178. Кратковременный стресс стимулирует иммунитет: Berkenbosch, F., Heijnen, C., and Croiset, G., “Endocrine and immunological responses to acute stress,” in Plotnikoff, N., Faith, R., Murgo, A., and Good, R., eds., “Enkephalins and Endorphins: Stress and the Immune System” (New York: Plenum Press, 1986); Croiset, G., Heijnen,

C. , and Veldhuis, H., “Modulation of the immune response by emotional stress,” Life Sciences 40 (1987): 775; Dhabhar, F., and McEwen, B., “Stressinduced enhancement of antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity,” Journal of Immunology 156 (1996): 2608; Weiss, J., Sundar, S., Becker, K., and Cierpial, M., “Behavioral and neural influences on cellular immune responses: effects of stress and interleukin-1,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 50 (1989): 43; Herbert, T., Cohen, S., Marsland, A., Bachen, E., and Rabin, B., “Cardiovascular reactivity and the course of immune response to an acute psychological stressor,” Psychosomatic Medicine 56 (1994): 337; Herbert, T., and Cohen, S., “Stress and immunity in humans: a meta-analytic review,” Psychosomatic Medicine 55 (1993): 364 (see tables 2 and 3); Carlson, S., “Neural influences on cell adhesion molecules and lymphocyte trafficking,” in Ader et al., op. cit., 231; Dhabhar, F., McEwen, B., “Bidirectional effects of stress and glucocorticoid hormones on immune function: Possible explanation for paradoxical observations,” in Ader et al., op. cit., 301.

Почему это мимолетное увеличение действительно имеет смысл: Moynihan, J., Sevens, S., “Mechanisms of stress-induced modulation of immunity in animals,” in Ader et al., op. cit., vol. 2, 227. Выделение антител в слюну: Wood, P., Karol, M., Kusnecov, A., Rabin, B., “Enhancement of antigen-specific humoral and cellmediated immunity by electric footshock stress in rats,” Brain Behavior and Immunity 7 (1993): 121; Carroll, D., Ring, C., Winzer, A., “Stress and mucosal immunity,” in Fink, G., ed., Encyclopedia of Stress (San Diego: Academic Press, 2000), vol. 2, 781; Booth, R., “Antibody response,” in Fink, op. cit., vol. 1, 206.

Это кратковременное повышение происходит при посредничестве симпатических гормонов: Bachen, E., Manuck, S., Cohen, S., Muldoon, M., and Raible, R., “Adrenergic blockage ameliorates cellular immune responses to mental stress in humans,” Psychosomatic Medicine 64 (1995): 15; Landmann, R., Muller, F., and Perini,

C. , “Changes of immunoregulatory cells induced by psychological and physical stress: relationship o plasma catecholamines,” Clinical and Experimental Immunology 58 (1984): 127; Ernstrom, U., and Sandberg, G., “Effects of alpha- and beta-receptor stimulation on the release of lymphocytes and granulocytes from the spleen,” Scandinavian Journal of Hematology 11 (1973): 275. Роль глюкокортикоидов: Bateman, A., Singh, A., Kral, T., and Solomon, S., “The immune hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal axis,” Endocrine Reviews 10 (1989): 92; McEwen, B., Biron, C., Brunson, K., Bulloch, K., Chambers, W., Dhabhar, F., Goldfarb, R., Kitson, R., Miller, A., Spencer, R., and Weiss, J., “The role of adrenocorticoids as modulators of immune function in health and disease: neural, endocrine and immune interactions,” Brain Research Reviews 23 (1997): 79.

Снижение приблизительно на 40-70%: Dhabhar, F., “Immune cell distribution, effects of stress on,” in Fink, op. cit., vol. 2, 507.

Стр. 180. Идеи Мунка: Munck, A., Guyre, P., and Holbrook, N., “Physiological actions of glucocorticoids in stress and their relation to pharmacological actions,” Endocrine Reviews 5 (1984): 25. Это, возможно, наиболее ценная работа о глюкокортикоидах, написанная в последние 25 лет. Недавно эта переориентация получила уточнение в Sapolsky, R., Romero, M., Munck, A., “How do glucocorticoids influence the stress- response: integrating permissive, suppressive, stimulatory, and preparative actions,” Endocrine Reviews 21 (2000): 55.

Блокада восстановления с участием глюкокортикоидов от вызванной стрессом активации иммунной системы связана с аутоиммунитетом: Wick, G., Hu, Y.,Schwarz,

S., and Kroemer, G., “Immunoendocrine communication via the hypothalamo-pituitary- adrenal axis in autoimmune diseases,” Endocrine Reviews 14 (1993): 539; Sternberg,

E. , Chrousos, G., Wilder, R., and Gold, P., “The stress response and regulation of inflammatory disease,” Annals of Internal Medicine 117 (1992): 854; Rose, N., Bacon, L., and Sundick, R., “Genetic determinants of thyroiditis in the OS chicken,” Transplantation Reviews 31 (1976): 264-70; Heim, C., Ehlert, U., Hellhammer, D., “The potential role of hypocortisolism in the pathophysiology of stress-related bodily disorders,” Psychoneuroendocrinology 25 (2000): 1; Wilder, R., “Arthritis,” in Fink, op. cit., vol. 1, 251; Takasu, N., Komiya, I., Nagasawa, Y., Aaswa, T., and Yamada, T., “Exacerbation of autoimmune thyroid dysfunction after unilateral adrenalectomy in patients with Cushing’s syndrome due to adrenocortical adenoma,” New England Journal of Medicine 322 (1990): 1708-12; Harbuz, S., and Lightman, S., “Stress and the hypothalamopituitary-adrenal axis: acute, chronic and immunological activation,” Journal of Endocrinology 134 (1992): 327-39; Green, M., and Lim, K., “Bronchial asthma with Addison’s disease,” The Lancet l (1971): 1159-65. Сниженная чувствительность иммунных клеток к глюкокортикоидам и механизмы ее регулирования: Farrell, R. J., Kelleher, D., “Glucocorticoid resistance in inflammatory bowel disease,” Journal of Endocrinology 178 (2003): 339; Franchimont, D., Martens, H., Hagelstein, M., Louis, E., Dewe, W., Chrousos, G., Belaiche, J., Geenen, V., “TNF alpha decreases, and IL-10 increases, the sensitivity of human monocytes to dexamethasone: potential regulation of the GR,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 84 (1999): 2834; Pariante, C., Pearce, B., Pisell, T., Sanchez, C., Po, C., Su, C., Miller, A., “The proinflammatory cytokine, IL-1a, reduces glucocorticoid receptor translocation and function,” Endocrinology 140 (1999): 4359.

Имеются также свидетельства недостаточной активности симпатической нервной системы в некоторых всплесках активности аутоиммунной системы: Madden, K., “Catecholamines, sympathetic nerves, and immunity,” in Ader et al., “Psychoneuroimmunology, ”3rd ed., op. cit., 197.

Стр. 180. Идею о том, что глюкокортикоиды формируют иммунную реакцию, можно найти в Besedovsky, H., Del Ray, S., Sorkin, E., and Dinarello, C., “Immunoregulatory feedback between interleukin-1 and glucocorticoid hormones,” Science 233 (1986): 652; Besedovsky, H., and Del Ray, A., “Immuno-neuro-endocrine interactions: facts and hypotheses,” Endocrine Reviews 17 (1996): 64.

Стр. 182. Глюкокортикоиды как причина полезного перераспределения лимфоцитов: Dhabhar, F., and McEwen, B., “Stress-induced enhancement of antigen-specific cell-mediated immunity,” Journal of Immunology 156 (1996): 2608; McEwen, B., Biron,

C. , Brunson, K., Bulloch, K., Chambers, W., Dhabhar, F., Goldfarb, R., Kitson, R., Miller, A., Spencer, R., and Weiss, J., “The role of adrenocorticoids as modulators of immune function in health and disease: neural, endocrine and immune interactions,” Brain Research Reviews 23 (1997): 79; Dhabhar, F., McEwen, B., “Bidirectional effects of stress and glucocorticoid hormones on immune function: possible explanation for paradoxical observations,” in Ader et al., “Psychoneuroimmunology”, 3rd ed., op. cit., 301.

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