3. Ibid., p. 639.
4. Ibid., pp. 644–645.
5. Ibid., p. 647.
6. Ibid., pp. 648, 670; Helge Ingstad and Anne Stine Ingstad, The Viking Discovery of America (2001), p. 48.
7. Alice Beck Kehoe, America Before the European Invasions (2002), p. 1.
8. Stuart J. Fiedel, Prehistory of the Americas (1987), pp. 152–153, 156–157; Kehoe, p. 102.
9. Fiedel, pp. 237, 254–257; Kehoe, pp. 175–177.
10. Kehoe, pp. 148–150; Fiedel, pp. 214–217.
11. Adams, p. 63.
12. Ibid., pp. 63–65.
13. Hans J. Prem, The Ancient Americas (1997), pp. 18–19; Robert J. Sharer and Sylvanus Griswold Morley, The Ancient Maya, 5th ed. (1994), pp. 471–472; Nicholas J. Saunders, Ancient Americas (2004), p. 84.
14. Adams, p. 79; Saunders, Ancient Americas, p. 48.
15. H. B. Nicholson, Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl (2001), pp. 250–251.
16. Prem, pp. 21–22; Adams, pp. 68–69; Saunders, Ancient Americas, p. 79.
17. Nicholson, pp. 10–11.
18. Prem, p. 24; Adams, p. 73.
19. Adams, p. 75.
Глава 76. Схизма
1. James Muldoon, Empire and Order (1999), pp. 34–35.
2. Alexander Clarence Flick, The Rise of the Mediaeval Church and Its Influence on the Civilisation of Western Europe from the First to the Thirteenth Century (1909), p. 403.
3. Althoff, p.72.
4. Flick, p. 404; Althoff, pp. 73–79.
5. Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes, pp. 27–28.
6. Несколько сокращенно из: Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 119–120.
7. Thietmar of Merseburg, p. 187; Althoff, pp. 127–129.
8. Blumenthal, p. 42.
9. Ibid., p. 43.
10. Christopher Brooke, Europe in the Central Middle Ages, 962-1154, 2d ed. (1987), p. 227.
11. Robert Warrand Carlyle and A. J. Carlyle, A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West (1915), pp. 146, 164, 228; Brooke, p. 229.
12. Flick, p. 408.
13. Brooke, p. 231; Karle Натре, Germany under the Salian and Hohenstaufen Emperors, trans. Ralph Bennett (1973), pp. 43–45.
14. Натре, p. 47.
15. Stefan Weinfurter, The Salian Century (1999), p. 101.
16. Flick, p. 410; F. Donald Logan, A History of the Church in the Middle Ages (2002), pp. 102–103.
17. Thatcher and McNeal, pp. 121–122.
18. Ibid., p. 122.
19. Anna Comnena, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena, trans. E. R. A. Sewter (1969), 1.10–11.
20. William of Apulia, «Gesta Roberti Wiscardi», book 2, in G. H. Pertz et ah, Chronica et annales aevi Salici (1963).
21. Goffredo Malaterra, The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of His Brother Duke Robert Guiscard, trans. Kenneth Baxter Wolf (2005), book 1.
22. William of Apulia, book 2, in Pertz et al.
23. Henry Chadwick, East and West (2003), pp. 206–207, 211–213.
24. Horst Fuhrmann, Germany in the High Middle Ages, c. 1050–1200, trans. Timothy Reuter (1986), p. 55.
Глава 77. Господство данов
1. Howard, pp. 126, 133.
2. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 192; Swanton, p. 145.
3. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 195.
4. Swanton, p. 152; William of Malmesbury, p. 317.
5. Swanton, p. 153.
6. John of Worcester, Chronicles, vol. 2, p. 503.
7. Swanton, pp. 157–159.
8. Ibid., p. 159.
9. Peter Rex, Harold II (2005), pp. 26–27; Swanton, p. 158.
10. Encomium Emmae Reginae, trans. Alistair Campbell (1998), p. xxxiv.
11. Swanton, p. 160.
12. Benjamin T. Hudson, Prophecy of Berchdn (1996), pp. 223–224.
13. Swanton, pp. 160–162.
Глава 78. Норманнское завоевание
1. David Howarth, 1066 (1977), p. 34; John of Worcester, Chronicles, vol. 2 p. 535.
2. William of Malmesbury, p. 353.
3. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 202; William of Malmesbury, p. 353.
4. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 202.
5. William of Malmesbury, p. 353; John of Worcester, Chronicles, vol. 2, pp. 570–571.
6. Howarth, pp. 67–68, 74–75.
7. Swanton, pp. 194–195.
8. Swanton, p. 196.
9. Howarth, pp. 127–129; Rex, pp. 217–219.
10. Howarth, pp. 134–135.
11. Henry of Huntingdon, p. 209.
12. Swanton, pp. 198–199.
Глава 79. Короли Испании
1. Watt, pp. 81–82; Abd Allah b. Buluggin, The Tibyan, trans. Amin T. Tibi (1986), p. 43.
2. Abd Allah b. Buluggin, p 43; Watt, p. 82.
3. Hugh Kennedy, «Muslim Spain and Portugal», in David Luscome and Jonathan Riley-Smith, eds., The New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 4 (2004), p. 599.
4. Abd Allah b. Buluggin, p. 43.
5. Manuela Marin and Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Handbuch der Orientalistik 12, Abt. 1, Bd. (1992), p. 46.
6. Peter C. Scales, The Fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba (1994), p. 93; Marin and Jayyusi, p. 48.
7. Scales, pp. 2, 9, 99.
8. Anita George, Annals of the Queens of Spain (1850), pp. 52–53.
9. Pedro, King of Aragon, The Chronicle of San Juan De La Peha, trans. Lynn H. Nelson (1991), p. 14.
10. Simon Barton and R. A. Fletcher, The World of El Cid (2000), pp. 49–50.
11. Ibid., p. 101.
12. Ibid., p. 32.
13. Ibid., p. 103; trans., John Ormsby, The Poem of the Cid, (1879), p. 63.
14. Marin and Jayyusi, p. 61.
15. Roland Oliver and Brian M. Fagan, Africa in the Iron Age, c. 500 BC to AD 1400 (1975), p. 160.
16. Oliver and Fagan, p. 160; David Robinson, Muslim Societies in African History (2004), pp. 39–40.
17. Oliver and Fagan, p. 161; Arie Schippers, Spanish Hebrew Poetry and the Arab Literary Tradition (1994), p. 331; Barton and Fletcher, p. 113.
18. Watt, p. 98.
19. Richard A. Fletcher, The Quest for El Cid (1990), p. 185; Barton and Fletcher, p. 147.
20. Bernard F. Reilly, The Medieval Spains (1993), p. 99; Luscome and Riley-Smith, p. 609; Marm and Jayyusi, pp. 64–65.