Чистый лист. Природа человека. Кто и почему отказывается признавать ее сегодня - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Стивен Пинкер cтр.№ 178

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Онлайн книга - Чистый лист. Природа человека. Кто и почему отказывается признавать ее сегодня | Автор книги - Стивен Пинкер

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59. J. Mervis, "Efforts to boost diversity face persistent problems," Science, 284, June 11, 1999, p. 1757.

60. P. Healy, "Faculty shortage: Women in sciences," Boston Globe, January 31, 2001.

61. C. Holden, "Parity as a goal sparks bitter battle," Science, 289, July 21, 2000, p. 380.

62. QuotedinYoung, 1999, pp. 22, 34–35.

63. Estrich, 2000; Furchtgott-Roth &Stolba, 1999; Goldin, 1990; Gottfredson, 1988; Haus-man, 1999; Kleinfeld, 1999; Lehrman, 1997; Lubinski&Benbow, 1992; Roback, 1993; Schwartz, 1992; Young, 1999.

64. Browne, 1998; Furchtgott-Roth &Stolba, 1999; Goldin, 1990.

65. В случайной выборке из 100 членов Международной ассоциации по изучению языка у детей я насчитал 75 женщин и 25 мужчин. Стэнфордский форум изучения языка у детей на своем сайте (csli.stanford.edu/~clrf/history.html) выложил список 18 ключевых спикеров: 15 женщин и трое мужчин.

66. Browne, 1998; Furchtgott-Roth &Stolba, 1999; Goldin, 1990; Gottfredson, 1988; Kleinfeld, 1999; Roback, 1993; Young, 1999.

67. Lubinski&Benbow, 1992.

68. See Browne, 1998, and the references in note 63.

69. Buss, 1992; Ellis, 1992.

70. Hrdy, 1999.

71. Browne, 1998; Hrdy, 1999.

72. Roback, 1993.

73. Becker, 1991.

74. Furchtgott-Roth &Stolba, 1999.

75. Quoted in C. Young, "Sex and science," Salon, April 12, 2001.

76. Quoted in C. Holden, "Parity as a goal sparks bitter battle," Science, 289, July 21, 2000.

77. Quoted in C. Holden, "Parity as a goal sparks bitter battle," Science, 289, July 21, 2000.

78. Kleinfeld, 1999.

79. National Science Foundation, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 1998, www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/nsf99338.

80. Thornhill& Palmer, 2000.

81. "Report on the situation of human rights in the territory of the former Yugoslavia," 1993. United Nations Document E/CN.4/1993/50.

82. J. E. Beals, "Ending the silence on sexual violence," Boston Globe, April 10, 2000.

83. R. Haynor, "Violence against women," Boston Globe, October 22, 2000.

84. Brownmiller, 1975, p. 14.

85. Young, 1999, p. 139.

86. McElroy, 1996.

87. McElroy, 1996.

88. Thiessen& Young, 1994.

89. Dworkin, 1993.

90. J. Tooby& L. Cosmides, "Reply to Jerry Coyne," www.psych.ucsb.edu/research/cep/tnr.html.

91. Gordon &Riger, 1991, p. 47.

92. Rose & Rose, 2000, p. 139.

93. M. Wertheim, "Born to rape?" Salon, February 29, 2000.

94. G. Miller, "Why men rape," Evening Standard, March 6, 2000, p. 53.

95. Symons, 1979; Thornhill& Palmer, 2000.

96. Jones, 1999. See also Check &Malamuth, 1985; Ellis & Beattie, 1983; Symons, 1979; Thornhill& Palmer, 2000.

97. Gottschall&Gottschall, 2001.

98. Jones, 1999, p. 890.

99. Bureau of Justice Statistics, www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs.

100. Quoted in A. Humphreys, "Lawyers may use genetics study in rape defense," National Post (Canada), January 22, 2000, p.A8.

101. Quoted in Jones, 1999.

102. Paglia, 1990, pp. 51, 57.

103. McElroy, 1996.

104. J. Phillips, "Exploring inside to live on the outside," Boston Globe, March 21, 1999.

105. S. Satel, "The patriarchy made me do it," Women's Freedom Newsletter, 5, September/October 1998.

Глава 19. Дети

1. Turkheimer, 2000.

2. Goldberg, 1968; Janda, 1998; Neisser et al., 1996.

3. Jensen, 1971.

4. Plomin et al., 2001.

5. Bouchard, 1994; Bouchard et al., 1990; Bouchard, 1998; Loehlin, 1992; Plomin, 1994; Plomin et al., 2001.

6. Plomin et al., 2001.

7. McLearn et al, 1997; Plomin, Owen, & McGuffin, 1994.

8. Bouchard, 1994; Bouchard et al., 1990; Bouchard, 1998; Loehlin, 1992; Lykken et al., 1992; Plomin, 1990; Plomin, 1994; Stromswold, 1998.

9. Plomin et al., 2001.

10. Bouchard et al., 1990; Plomin, 1991; Plomin, 1994; Plomin & Daniels, 1987.

11. Bouchard et al, 1990; Pedersen et al., 1992.

12. Bouchard et al., 1990; Bouchard, 1998.

13. Scarr & Carter-Saltzman, 1979.

14. Loehlin & Nichols, 1976.

15. Bouchard, 1998; Gutknecht, Spitz, & Carlier, 1999.

16. McGue, 1997.

17. Etcoff, 1999; Persico, Postlewaite, & Silverman, 2001.

18. Jackson & Huston, 1975.

19. Bouchard, 1994; Bouchard et al., 1990.

20. Kamin, 1974; Lewontin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984, p. 116.

21. Neisser et al, 1996; Snyderman & Roth-man, 1988.

22. Hunt, 1999, pp. 50–51.

23. Plomin & Daniels, 1987; Plomin et al., 2001.

24. Bouchard, 1994; Harris, 1998a; Plomin & Daniels, 1987; Rowe, 1994; Turkheimer & Wal-dron, 2000. Пример невоспроизводимого открытия — недавнее заявление Krueger, Hicks, & McGue, 2001, что на альтруизм влияет общее окружение, что противоречит исследованию, проведенному Rushton et al., 1986, в котором использовались схожие методы и большая выборка.

25. Stoolmiller, 2000.

26. Bouchard et al., 1990; Plomin & Daniels, 1987; Reiss et al., 2000; Rowe, 1994.

27. Plomin, 1991; Plomin & Daniels, 1987, p. 6; Plomin et al., 2001.

28. Bouchard, 1994; Plomin & Daniels, 1987; Rowe, 1994; Turkheimer, 2000; Turkheimer & Waldron, 2000.

29. Schütze, 1987.

30. B. Singer, "How to raise a perfect child…," Boston Globe Magazine, March 26, 2000, pp. 12–36.

31. D. Barry, "Is your kid's new best friend named 'Bessie'? Be very afraid," Miami Herald, October 31, 1999.

32. Harris, 1998a, chap. 2; Lytton, 1990.

33. Harris, 1998a, chap. 4; Harris, 2000b.

34. Harris, 1998a, pp. 319–320, 323.

35. Harris, 1998a; Harris, 1998b; Harris, 2000a; Harris, 2000b.

36. Harris, 1998a, chaps. 2, 3; Maccoby & Martin, 1983.

37. Harris, 1998a, pp. 300–311.

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