20. R. Keith Sawyer, Explaining Creativity: The Science of Human Innovation (Cambridge: Oxford University Press, 2012).
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28. R. Keith Sawyer, Group Genius: The Creative Power of Collaboration (New York: Basic Books, 2007).
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39. Julius Meier-Graefe, Vincent van Gogh: A Biography (Mineola, NY: Dover, 1987).
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43. Alexander Bain, The Senses and the Intellect (London: John Parker & Sons, 1855), 572.
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48. Robert K. Merton, On the Shoulders of Giants: A Shandean Postscript (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), 9.
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75. Teresa M. Amabile, Creativity in Context (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996), 107.
76. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior (New York: Plenum, 1985).
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