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Bestennan, Theodore, A Bibliography of Cleopatra (London 1926)

Bethell, A. J., From Cleopatra to Christ (unpublished) Biographie Universelle Ancienne et Moderne, ed. A. Thoisnier Desplaces (Paris 1844)

Blaze de Bury, Henri, Les Femmes et la Socie'te' au Temps d ’Auguste (Paris 1875)

Boccaccio, De Claris Mulieribus, trans. Guido JI. Guarino (London 1964)

Bodeen, De Witt, From Hollywood (London 1976)

Bodin, Jean, Six Books of the Commonwealth, trans. M. J. Tooley (Oxford 1955)

Bossuet, J. B., The Political Science Drawn from Holy Scriptures (London 1842)

Bragg, Melvyn, Rich: The Life of Richard Burton (London 1988)

Brandes, George, William Shakespeare (London 1898)

Brandon, Samuel, The Tragicomoedia of the Vertuous Octavia (Oxford 1909)

Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (London 1987)

Briffault, Robert, The Mothers (London 1927)

Brodie, Fawn M, The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton (London 1986)

Brodsky, Jack and Weiss, Nathan, The Cleopatra Papers (New York 1963)

Brontl, Charlotte, Villette (Harmondsworth 1985)

Brooke, Henry, Poems and Plays, Vol. II (London 1789)

Browne, Sir Thomas, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, Book V (London 1646)

Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, Cleopatra, trans. Timothy Binyon (unpublished)

Buchheim, H., Die Orienlpolitik des Triumvirs Marcus Antonius (Heidelberg 1960)

Buckle, Richard, Diaghilev (London 1979)

Bullough, Geoffrey (ed.), Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare, Vol. V, The Roman Plays (London 1964)

Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy (London 1932)

Butts, Mary, Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra (London 1935)

Caesar, 77ie Civil War, trans. Jane F. Mitchell (Harmondsworth 1967)

Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. X, 1934 (see Tarn)

Cantel, J., La Reine Cleopatre (Paris 1914)

Capponi, Giovanni, Cleopatra: Tragedia (Bologna 1628)

Carcopino, J., Daily Life In Ancient Rome (London 1941)

Carter, Angela, The Sadeian Woman (London 1979)

Carter, J. M., The Battle ofActium (London 1970)

Cassius Dio, see Dio Cassius

Cavafy, С. P., Poems, trans. John Mavrogordato (London 1951)

Chalmers, A. (ed.). The Works of the English Poet, Vol. II (London 1810)

Chaucer, Geoffrey, Odd Texts of Chaucer’s Minor Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall (London 1868)

The Works, ed. F. N. Robinson (London 1966)

Chicago, Judy, The Dinner Party, exhibition catalogue (London 1985)

Cibber, Colley, Caesar in Aegypt, in The Dramatick Works (London 1736)

Cicero, Letters to Atticus, trans. E. O. Winstedt (London and New York 1918)

Cixous, Hélène, and Clement, Catherine, The Newly Born Woman, trans. Betsy Wing (Minneapolis, 1986)

Coleridge, S. T., Select Poetry and Prose (London 1933)

Cook, Judith, Women in Shakespeare (London 1980)

Cooper, Diana, Trumpets from the Steep (London 1960)

Core, Philip, Camp: The Lie That Tells the Truth (London 1984)

Corneille, Pierre, Pompie, in Oeuvres de Pierre Corneille (Paris 1862)

Cornhill Magazine (London 1866)

Curl, J. S., The Egyptian Revival (London 1982)

Daly, Mary, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism (London 1979)

Daniel, Norman, Islam, Europe and Empire (Edinburgh 1966)

Dante Alighieri, Inferno (New York 1961)

Davies, R. T. (ed.), Mediaeval English Lyrics (London 1963)

Deans, Maijorie, Meeting at the Sphiiv. (London 1946)

Delcourt, Marie, Hermaphrodite, trans. Jennifer Nicholson (London 1961)

Delfino, Giovanni, ‘La Cleopatra’ in Parnaso de Eminenlissimo Cardinal Delfino (Utrecht 1730)

De Quincey, Thomas, Confessions of an English Opium Eater (Edinburgh 1862)

De Rougemont, Denis, Passion and Society, trans. Montgomery Belgion (London 1940)

Dickens, Charles, Dombey and Son (Harmondsworth 1970)

Dickey, F. M., Not Wisely But Too Well (California 1966)

Dijkstra, Bram, Idols of Perversity: Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siecle Culture (Oxford 1987)

Dio Cassius, Dio’s Roman History, with translation by Earnest Cary (London and New York 1917)

— The Roman History: the Reign of Augustus, trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert (Harmondsworth 1987)

Diodorus Siculus, The Library History, trans. С. H. Oldfather (London and New York 1933)

Donaldson, Ian, The Rapes ofLucretia (Oxford 1982)

John Donne: A Selection of his Poetry (Harmondsworth 1950)

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, The Idiot, trans. Constance Garnett (London 1975)

Douglas, Mary, Purity and Danger (London 1984)

Dryden, John, Complete Works, ed. George Saintsbury, Vol. 2 (London 1950)

Dusinberre, Juliet, Shakespeare and the Nature of Women (London 1975)

Eagleton, Terry, William Shakespeare (Oxford 1986)

Ebers, Georg, Cleopatra, trans. Mary J. Safford (London 1894)

Economou, George D., ‘The Two Venuses and Courtly Love’, in In Pursuit of Perfection, ed. George D. Economou and Joan Fen’ante (Port Washington, NY 1975)

Effinger, John R., Women of the Romance Countries (Philadelphia 1907)

Eliot, T. S., Selected Prose (London 1953)

— Selected Poems (London 1961)

Ellmann, Richard, Oscar Wilde (London 1987)

Ewbank, Inga-Stina, ‘Transmigrations of Cleopatra’, in The University of Leeds Review, Vol. 29 (Leeds 1986—1987)

Ferrante, Joan M., Woman as Image in Mediaeval Literature (New York 1975)

Ferris, Paul, Richard Burton (London 1981)

Ferval, Claude, The Private Life of Cleopatra, trans. M. Poindexter (London 1930)

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