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Lloyd, John, Great Women (New York 1885)

Lucan, Marcus Annaeus, Pharsalia, trans. Robert Graves (London 1961)

Lucian, Works, trans. A. M. Harmon (London 1921)

Lurker, Manfred, Gods and Symbols of Ancient Egypt (London 1980)

Lydgate, John, The Fall of Princes, ed. H. Bergen (London 1924)

Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince (New York 1965)

MacKereth, James, 77re Death of Cleopatra (London 1920)

Mairet, Jean, Le Marc-Antoine ou La Cleopdtre (Paris 1637)

Malalas, John, The Chronicle, trans. Matthew Spinka (Chicago 1940)

Marcellinus, Ammianus, Works, trans. John C Rolfe (London 1935)

Marmontel, Theatre de M. Marmontel (Paris 1787)

Massie, Allan, Augustus (London 1987)

May, Thomas, The Tragedie of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt (London 1654)

Mayo, (Catherine, Mother India (New York 1927)

Michelet, J., The History of the Roman Republic, trans. William Hazlitt (London 1848)

Millar, F. and Segal, E., Caesar Augustus (Oxford 1984)

Mitford, Nancy, The Sun King (London 1969)

Moi, Toril, Sexual/Textual Politics (London 1985)

Mommsen, Theodor, History of Rome, trans. W. Dickson (London 1868)

Mundy, Talbot, Queen Cleopatra (London 1929)

Murphy, Sophia, The Duchess of Devonshire’s Ball (London 1984)

Neumann, Erich, The Great Mother, trans. Ralph Manheim (London 1955)

Newby, Eric (ed.) A Book of Travellers’ Tales (London 1985)

Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Birth of Tragedy, trans. Walter Kaufmann (New York 1967)

The Genealogy of Morals, trans. Horace Samuel (London 1910)

O’Brien, Geoffrey, Dream Time (London 1988)

Ortega у Gasset, Jose, On Love, trans. Tony Talbot (London 1959)

O’Shaughnessy, Arthur W. E., An Epic of Women and Other Poems (London 1870)

Pascal, Blaise, Pensees (London 1950)

Payen, Louis, Cleopatra (New York 1915)

Peckham, Morse, ‘Eroticism = Politics; Politics = Eroticism’, in Victorian Revolutionaries (New York 1970)

Petrarca, Francesco, Rime, Trionfi e Poesie Latins (Milan 1951)

Petronius, Fragmentum (Amsterdam 1671)

Plato, Phaedrus, trans. Walter Hamilton (Harmondsworth 1973)

The Symposium, trans. Walter Hamilton (Harmondsworth 1951)

Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historiae, trans. H. Rackham (London 1938)

Plutarch, The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes, trans. Sir Thomas North (Oxford 1927) 11

— Moralia, trans. Frank Cole Babbitt (London 1936)

— The Rise andv Fall of Athens, trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert (Harmondsworth


Makers of Rome, trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert (Harmondsworth 1965)

Fall of the Roman Republic, trans. Rex Warner (Harmondsworth 1972)

Life of Antony, ed. С. B. Pelling (Cambridge 1988)

Pomeroy, Sarah B., Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves (New York 1975)

Pratt, George C, Spell-bound in Darkness: Readings in the History and Criticism of the Silent Film (Rochester, New York 1966)

Praz, Mario, The Romantic Agony (Oxford 1970)

Propertius, The Poems, trans. W. G. Shepherd (Harmondsworth 1985)

Pushkin, Alexander, Complete Prose Fiction, trans. P. Debreezyn and W.Arndt (Stanford 1983)

Quaife, Geoffrey, Wanton Wenches and Wayward Wives (London 1979)

Rabelais, Francois, Gargantua and Pantagruel, trans. J. M. Cohen (Harmondsworth 1955)

Rawson, Elizabeth, Intellectual Life in the Late Roman Republic (London 1985)

Richardson, Joanna, Sarah Bernhardt (London 1959) Rist, J. M., Stoic Philosophy (Cambridge 1969)

Rose, Jacqueline, Sexuality in the Field of Vision (London 1986)

Rostovtzeff, M., Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World (Oxford 1941)

Russell, Bertrand, A History of Western Philosophy (London 1984)

Russell, Findlay E., Snake Venom Poisoning (Philadelphia 1980)

Saadeh; Khalil, Caesar and Cleopatra (London 1898)

Said, Edward W., Orientalism (London 1985)

Samain, Albert, Au Jardin deUInfante (Paris 1922)

Sardou, Victorien, Theatre Complet, Vol. 4 (Paris 1935)

Schwab, Raymond, The Oriental Renaissance,Irons. G. Patterson-Black and V. Reinking (New York 1984)

Sedley, Charles, Antony and Cleopatra; A Tragedy, in Poetic and Dramatic Works (London 1928)

Sergeant, Philip Walsingham, Cleopatra of Egypt: Antiquity’s Queen of Romance (London 1909)

Shakespeare, William, The Arden Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra, ed. M. R. Ridley (London 1954)

Shaw, George Bernard, Three Plays for Puritans (Harmondsworth 1946)

Shawqui, Ahmad, Masra' Kliyuptra, trans. Kate Figes (unpublished)

Sografi, La Morte di Cleopatra (London 1806)

Sontag, Susan, A Susan Sontag Reader (London 1983)

Soyinka, Wole, An, Dialogue and Outrage (Ibadan 1988)

Soumet, Alexandre, Cliopatre: Tragedie (Paris 1825)

Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene (London 1955)

Stahr, Adolf, Cleopatra (Berlin 1879)

Steiner, George, The Death of Tragedy (London 1961)

Steppat, Michael, The Critical Reception of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra/rom 1607 to 1905 (Amsterdam 1980)

Stone, John, Great Kleopatra (London 1911)

Stone, Lawrence, The Family, Sex and Marriage 1500—1800 (London 1977)

Story, William Wetmore, Graffiti D’Italia (Edinburgh 1868)

Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, trans. Robert Graves (Harmondsworth 1957, revised edition 1979)

Swinburne, Algernon, A Choice of Swinburne’s Verse (London 1973)

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