Больная любовь. Как остановить домашнее насилие и освободиться от власти абьюзера - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Джесс Хилл cтр.№ 138

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Онлайн книга - Больная любовь. Как остановить домашнее насилие и освободиться от власти абьюзера | Автор книги - Джесс Хилл

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39. Myers, ‘Towards a safer and more consistent approach’.

40. Jane Lee, ‘Rosie Batty to launch Family Court campaign to help family violence survivors’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 May 2016; Louisa Rebgetz, ‘Bravehearts call for royal commission into «dysfunctional» family law system’, ABC News (online), 20 June 2016.

41. ‘A royal commission into Australia’s Family Law System is needed’, letter to federal politicians and signatories, Bravehearts 42 John Pascoe, State of the Nation speech at the 18th National Family Law Conference, Brisbane Exhibition Centre, 3 October 2018.

Глава 10. Дадирри

1. M. Lucashenko, ‘Violence against Indigenous women: Public and private dimensions’, Violence Against Women, 1996, 2(4), pp. 378–90.

2. Angela Spinney, ‘FactCheck Q&A: are Indigenous women 34–80 times more likely than average to experience violence?’ The Conversation, 4 July 2016.

3. Our Watch, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and VicHealth, Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia, Melbourne, Australia: Our Watch, 2015.

4. Quoted in Laura Murphy-Oates, ‘Vanished: Lost voices of our sisters’, Dateline/The Feed (no date).

5. Queensland Premier’s Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence, Our Journal: A Collection of Personal Thoughts about Domestic Violence, 2015.

6. N. Biddle, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Marriage Partnerships, CAEPR Indigenous Population Project 2011 Census Papers 15, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, 2013.

7. Royal Commission into Family Violence, Victoria, Community consultation, Melbourne, 7 July 2015.

8. Inquest into the death of Sasha Loreen Napaljarri Green [2018] NTLC016.

9. Inquest into the deaths of Wendy Murphy and Natalie McCormack [2016] NTLC024.

10. Martin Hodgson, ‘Ep 51: From Inside The Community’, Curtain: The Podcast, 29 March 2018.

11. Calla Wahlquist, ‘Aboriginal woman jailed for unpaid fines after call to police’, The Guardian, 29 September 2017.

12. Amy Simmons, ‘«Over-policing to blame» for Indigenous prison rates’, ABC News (online), 25 June 2009.

13. Quote provided by family lawyer George Newhouse.

14. IAU interview Connor, 23 October 2014, audio, from: Report on the Response of WA Police to a Particular Incident of Domestic Violence on 19–20 March 2013. Corruption and Crime Commission. 21 April 2016, pars. 56–9.

15. Ibid., pars 63–4.

16. Ibid., par. 88.

17. Ibid., par. 97.

18. Ibid., par. 96.

19. Ibid.

20. Ibid., par. 91.

21. Ibid., pars 106–8.

22. Ibid., pars 116–19.

23. Ibid.

24. Mullaley Family, media statement, 8 June 2016.

25. Natassia Chrysanthos, ‘«I haven’t been right since»: Mother of murdered baby makes discrimination complaint’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April 2019.

26. Judy Atkinson, ‘Stinkin’ thinkin’’, 1991, cited in Hannah McGlade, Our Greatest Challenge: Aboriginal Children and Human Rights (online), Canberra, ACT: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2012.

27. McGlade, O ur Greatest Challenge.

28. Damien Carrick, ‘Customary Law and Sentencing + SPAM’, The Law Report, ABC Radio National, 22 October 2002.

29. Louis Nowra, ‘Culture of Denial’, The Australian Literary Review, March 2007.

30. Atkinson, Trauma Trails, p. 41.

31. Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore: A history of the transportation of convicts to Australia, 1787–1868, Random House, 2010 (1987), p. 24.

32. Liz Conor, Skin Deep: Settler impressions of Aboriginal women, Crawley, WA: UWA Publishing, 2016.

33. Zoe Holman, Skin Deep: Reproducing aboriginal women in colonial Australia, an interview with Liz Conor. Open Democracy, February 2017.

34. Phyllis Kaberry, Aboriginal Woman Sacred and Profane, Routledge, 2005.

35. A. P. Elkin, Introduction to Kaberry, quoted in Robert Manne, ‘The lost enchanted world’, The Monthly, June 2007.

36 Kaberry, Aboriginal Woman, pp. 142–3.

37. Jerry D. Moore. Visions of Culture: An annotated reader, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

38. Judy Atkinson, Trauma Trails, p. 36.

39. Marcia Langton, Ending the Violence in Indigenous Communities, National Press Club Address, November 2016.

40. Quoted in Lisa Surridge, Bleak Houses: Marital violence in Victorian fiction, Ohio University Press, 2005, p. 5.

41. Neil Shaw, ‘The Devon judge and his «rule of thumb» on beating your wife’, Devon Live, 3 November 2017.

42. Frances Power Cobbe, ‘Wife-torture in England’, Contemporary Review, 1878.

43. Atkinson, Trauma Trails, p. 40.

44. David McKnight, Of Marriage, Violence and Sorcery: The quest for power in northern Queensland, Routledge, 2016.

45. W.E.H. Stanner, The Dreaming and Other Essays, Black Inc., January 2011, p. 66.

46. Hughes, T he Fatal Shore, p. 261.

47. Henry Reynolds, With the White People, Penguin, 1990, p. 75.

48. Henry Reynolds, The Other Side of the Frontier: Aboriginal resistance to the European invasion of Australia, UNSW Press, 2006, p. 174.

49. Germaine Greer, On Rage, Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 2018.

50. Jackie Huggins, et al. ‘Letter to the Editors’, Women’s Studies International Forum, 1991, 1(5), pp. 505–13.

51. Hannah McGlade, Our Greatest Challenge: Aboriginal Children and Human Rights Canberra, ACT: Aboriginal Studies Press, 2012.

52. Amy Humphreys, Representations of Aboriginal Women and Their Sexuality, University of Queensland, 2008.

53. Larissa Behrendt, ‘Consent in a (neo)colonial society: Aboriginal women as sexual and legal «other»’, Australian Feminist Studies, 2000, 15(33), pp. 353–67.

54. Ibid.

55. Ann McGrath, Illicit Love: Interracial sex and marriage in the United States and Australia, University of Nebraska Press, 2015 p. xxiv.

56. Amy Nethery, Chapter 4 in Klaus Neumann & Gwenda Tavan (eds), Does History Matter? Making and debating citizenship, immigration and refugee policy in Australia and New Zealand, Canberra: ANU E-Press, 2009.

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