Индийский хлопок и британский интерес. Овеществленная политика в колониальную эпоху - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Светлана Сидорова cтр.№ 98

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Онлайн книга - Индийский хлопок и британский интерес. Овеществленная политика в колониальную эпоху | Автор книги - Светлана Сидорова

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Indian Cotton and British Involvement
Materiality of Colonial Politics

The book “Indian Cotton and British Involvement: Materiality of Colonial Politics” focuses on more than a century-long history (1750–1870) of a Central Indian region throughout its transition from the first contacts of European visitors with the Nagpur State until the appropriation of these lands by the British. The establishment of political and economic dominance of an alien culture is discussed in terms of materiality. The main object of the study is cotton, one of the principal Central Indian crops and also the most important colonial commodity of the industrial revolution era. Commercial interest in cotton resulted in territorial claims by British business circles and colonial authorities, defined the vectors and substance of their economic activities, geopolitical decisions, trajectories of their mobility and goods’ flows, as well as newly formed territorial borders. In the book, cotton is viewed as a generalized symbol of other colonial things that embodied the British culture and its domination over colonial space. A detailed review of the colonial practices relating to things reveals methods of, opportunities for, and limitations of mutual impact of the local and foreign cultures, mechanisms of their mutual adaptation and rejection, their modernization and conservation at the time when they coexisted and overlapped.

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