Уинстон Черчилль. Против течения. Оратор. Историк. Публицист. 1929-1939 - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Дмитрий Медведев cтр.№ 240

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Churchill WS. Can America Keep Out of War // Collier’s. 1937. October 2. P. 14–15, 38–39.

Churchill WS. Defense in the Pacific // Collier’s. 1932. December 17. P. 12-13, 30.

Churchill WS. Dictators on Dynamite // Collier’s. 1938. September 3. P. 14, 17, 26.

Churchill WS. Edward the Eighth // Collier’s. 1937. June 5. P. 27, 39.

Churchill WS. Englands No Man // Collier’s. 1937. October 14. P. 78–81.

Churchill W.S. Everybody’s Language // Collier’s. 1935. October 26. P. 24, 37–38.

Churchill W.S. Everybody’s Language // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 22–26.

Churchill WS. How We Can Restore the Lost Glory to Democracy // Finest Hour. № 146. P. 12–15.

Churchill WS. How We Carry Liquor // Collier’s. 1934. August 25. P. 10–11, 38.

Churchill WS. Introduction I Battaglia O.F. (ed.). Dictatorship on its Trial, By Eminent Leaders of Modern Thought. NY.: Harcourt, Brace and company, 1931. P. 7–10.

Churchill WS. Japan Guesses Wrong // Collier’s. 1937. July 30. P. 12–13,45.

Churchill WS. Julius Caesar // The Strand Magazine. 1933. № 86. P. 41–63.

Churchill WS. Land of Corn and Lobsters // Collier’s. 1933. August 5. P. 16–17, 45.

Churchill WS. Let the Tyrant Criminals Bomb! // Collier’s. 1939. January14. P. 12–13, 36.

Churchill W.S. My Happy Days in the Wet Bahamas // Finest Hour. № 145. P. 14–17.

Churchill W.S. My Life // Finest Hour. № 166. P. 20–21.

Churchill W.S. My New York Misadventure // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 24–28.

Churchill W.S. Queen of the Seas // Finest Hour. № 121. P. 23–28.

Churchill W.S. Nature’s Panorama in California // Finest Hour. № 142. P. 28–32.

Churchill W.S. Now or Never // Collier’s. 1939. June 3. P. 9–10, 53.

Churchill W.S. Old Battlefields of Virginia // Finest Hour. № 72. P. 8–10.

Churchill W.S. Oldest and Richest // Collier’s. 1936. July 11. P. 21–22, 28.

Churchill W.S. Soapbox Messiahs // Collier’s. 1936. June 20. P. 11, 44, 46.

Churchill W.S. The Bond Between Us // Collier’s. 1933. November 4. P. 12–13.

Churchill W.S. 'lhe Colony Racket // Collier’s. 1938. November 19. P. 11–12, 41–42.

Churchill W.S. 'lhe Infernal Twins // Collier’s. 1937. July 3. P. 12–13, 28.

Churchill W.S. 'lhe Mission of Japan // Collier’s. 1937. February 20. P. 12–13, 42, 44.

Churchill W.S. 'lhe Shattered Cause of Temperance // Collier’s. 1932. August 13. P. 20–21. 48.

Churchill W.S. 'lhe Truth about Hitler // The Strand Magazine. 1935. November. P. 10–21.

Churchill W.S. What Good’s a Constitution // Collier’s. 1936. August 22. P. 22, 39–40.

Churchill W.S. Who’ll Pay the Jobless? // Collier’s. 1933. February 25. P. 1011, 32.

Churchill W.S. Why Not Dictatorship? // Collier’s. 1935. February 16. P. 14, 26.

Churchill W.S. You Get It in Black and White // Collier’s. 1935. December 28. P. 32, 36–37.

Cohen R.I. A Bibliographical Odyssey: Thoughts and Adventures while Surveying the Writings of Winston Spencer Churchill // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 46–48.

Coote C.R. Churchill the Journalist / Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 114–121.

Dobbs M. The Outcasts: What Did Churchill Tell Guy Burgess after Munich // Finest Hour. № 146. P. 16–17.

Freeman D. The Friendship Between Churchill and F.E. Smith. // Finest Hour.№ 139. P. 28–35.

Gertz S. „Take Refuge in the 18th Century“ // Finest Hour. № 155. P. 27.

Glueckstein F. Churchill as Bricklayer // Finest Hour. № 157. P. 34–37. Golding R.E. Guarding Greatness. Part 2 // Finest Hour. № 144. P. 32–33. Hitler, WSC Both Pranged // Finest Hour. № 155. P. 6–7.

Langworth R.M. Bring a Friend — If you have one // Finest Hour. № 152. P. 7.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and India: Again and Again and Again // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 55–56.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and Lawrence // Finest Hour. № 119. P. 18–19.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Art of the Statesman-Writer // Finest Hour. № 102. P. 14–21.

Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Rhineland // Finest Hour. № 141. P. 16–21.

Langworth R.M. Did Churchill Ever Admire Hitler? // Finest Hour. № 156. P. 33–34.

Low A.M. Churchill and Science / Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 303–311.

McKay J. The Leaders Personal Qualities // Finest Hour. № 158. P. 39–40.

McKercher B.J.C. The Limitations of the Politician-Strategist: Winston Churchill and the German Threat, 1933-39 I Maurer J.H. (ed.). Churchill and Strategic Dilemmas Before the World Wars. L.: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003. P. 88–121.

Muggeridge M. Churchill the Biographer and Historian / Eade C. (ed). Churchill by his Contemporaries. L.: Reprint Society, 1955. P. 234–239.

Muller J.W. A Good Englishman: Politics and War in Churchill’s Life of Marlborough // The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 18. 1988. P. 85–125.

Muller J.W. A Kind of Dignity and Even Nobility: Winston Churchill’s Thoughts and Adventures // The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 16, 1986. P. 281–315.

Muller J.W. Churchill the Writer // The Wilson Quarterly. Vol. 18, 1994. P. 38–48.

Muller J.W. War on the Nile: Winston Churchill and the Reconquest of the Sudan I The Political Science Reviewer. Vol. 20,1991. P. 223–263.

Olausson P., Langworth R.M. Churchill and the Plunging Investor // Finest Hour. № 136. P. 37.

Painter and Pigeon // Finest Hour. № 144. P. 34.

Riddles, Mysteries, Enigmas // Finest Hour. № 138. P. 19.

Riddles, Mysteries, Enigmas // Finest Hour. № 153. P. 10.

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