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Онлайн книга - Тело помнит все | Автор книги - Бессел ван дер Колк

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7. Были опубликованы десятки научных статей, демонстрирующих положительные эффекты от йоги при различных болезнях. Вот лишь некоторые примеры: S. B. Khalsa, “Yoga as a Therapeutic Intervention”; P. Grossman, et al., “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Health Benefits: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 57 (2004): 35–43; K. Sherman, et al., “Comparing Yoga, Exercise, and a Self-Care Book for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial”, Annals of Internal Medicine 143 (2005): 849–56; K. A. Williams, et al., “Effect of Iyengar Yoga Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain”, Pain 115 (2005): 107–17; R. B. Saper, et al., “Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain in a Predominantly Minority Population: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 15 (2009): 18–27; J. W. Carson, et al., “Yoga for Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results from a Pilot Study”, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 33 (2007): 331–41.

8. B. A. van der Kolk, et al., “Yoga as an Adjunctive Therapy for PTSD”, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 75, no. 6 (June 2014): 559–65.

9. Калифорнийская компания HeartMath, разработала превосходные устройства и компьютерные игры, которые одновременно увлекательные и эффективные в улучшении ВСР. На данный момент никто не исследовал, способны ли простые устройства, вроде разработанных HeartMath, приводить к уменьшению симптомов ПТСР, однако это вполне вероятно (См. www.heart-math.org.)

10. На момент написания книги в iTunes были найдены двадцать четыре приложения, которые якобы помогают увеличить ВСР, такие как emWave, HeartMath и GPS4Soul.

11. B. A. van der Kolk, “Clinical Implications of Neuroscience Research in PTSD”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1071, no. 1 (2006): 277–93.

12. S. Telles, et al., “Alterations of Auditory Middle Latency Evoked Potentials During Yogic Consciously Regulated Breathing and Attentive State of Mind”, International Journal of Psychophysiology 14, no. 3 (1993): 189–98. См. также: P. L. Gerbarg, “Yoga and Neuro-Psychoanalysis”, in Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension, ed. Frances Sommer Anderson (New York: Analytic Press, 2008), 127–50.

13. D. Emerson and E. Hopper, Overcoming Trauma Trough Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2011).

14. A. Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness (New York: Harcourt, 1999).

15. «Интероцепция» – это новый научный термин для этой базовой способности самовосприятия. Исследования травмированных людей с применением методов нейровизуализации многократно показывали наличие проблем в областях мозга, связанных с физическим самовосприятием, в особенности в так называемом островке. J. W. Hopper, et al., “Neural Correlates of Reexperiencing, Avoidance, and Dissociation in PTSD: Symptom Dimensions and Emotion Dysregulation in Responses to Script-Driven Trauma Imagery”, Journal of Traumatic Stress 20, no. 5 (2007): 713–25. См. также: I. A. Strigo, et al., “Neural Correlates of Altered Pain Response in Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from Intimate Partner Violence”, Biological Psychiatry 68, no. 5 (2010): 442–50; G. A. Fonzo, et al., “Exaggerated and Disconnected Insular-Amygdalar Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Response to Treat-Related Emotional Faces in Women with Intimate-Partner Violence Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Biological Psychiatry 68, no. 5 (2010): 433–41; P. A. Frewen, et al., “Social Emotions and Emotional Valence During Imagery in Women with PTSD: Affective and Neural Correlates”, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 2, no. 2 (2010): 145–57; K. Felmingham, et al., “Dissociative Responses to Conscious and Nonconscious Fear Impact Underlying Brain Function in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder”, Psychological Medicine 38, no. 12 (2008): 1771–80; A. N. Simmons, et al., “Functional Activation and Neural Networks in Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Related to Intimate Partner Violence”, Biological Psychiatry 64, no. 8 (2008): 681–90; R. J. L. Lindauer, et al., “Effects of Psychotherapy on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow During Trauma Imagery in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial”, Psychological Medicine 38, no. 4 (2008): 543–54 and A. Etkin and T. D. Wager, “Functional Neuroimaging of Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Emotional Processing in PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Specific Phobia”, American Journal of Psychiatry 164, no. 10 (2007): 1476–88.

16. J. C. Nemiah and P. E. Sifneos, “Psychosomatic Illness: A Problem in Communication”, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 18, no. 1–6 (1970): 154–60. См. также: G. J. Taylor, R. M. Bagby, and J. D. A. Parker, Disorders of Affect Regulation: Alexithymia in Medical and Psychiatric Illness (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

17. A. R. Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion and the Making of Consciousness (New York: Random House, 2000), 28.

18. B. A. van der Kolk, “Clinical Implications of Neuroscience Research in PTSD”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1071, no. 1 (2006): 277–93. См. также: B. K. Hölzel, et al., “How Does Mindfulness Meditation Work? Proposing Mechanisms of Action from a Conceptual and Neural Perspective”, Perspectives on Psychological Science 6, no. 6 (2011): 537–59.

19. B. K. Hölzel, et al., “Mindfulness Practice Leads to Increases in Regional Brain Gray Matter Density”, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 191, no. 1 (2011): 36–43. См. также: B. K. Hölzel, et al., “Stress Reduction Correlates with Structural Changes in the Amygdala”, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 5, no. 1 (2010): 11–17; and S. W. Lazar, et al., “Meditation Experience Is Associated with Increased Cortical Tickness”, NeuroReport 16 (2005): 1893–97.

Глава 17. Самоуправление

1. R. A. Goulding and R. C. Schwartz, The Mosaic Mind: Empowering the Tormented Selves of Child Abuse Survivors (New York: Norton, 1995), 4.

2. J. G. Watkins and H. H. Watkins, Ego States (New York: Norton, 1997). Юнг называет составные части личности архетипами и комплексами; в когнитивной психологии и литературе на тему диссоциативного расстройства личности они называются альтер-эго. См. также: J. G. Watkins and H. H. Watkins, “Theory and Practice of Ego State Therapy: A Short-Term Therapeutic Approach”, Short-Term Approaches to Psychotherapy 3 (1979): 176–220; J. G. Watkins and H. H. Watkins, “Ego States and Hidden Observers”, Journal of Altered States of Consciousness 5, no. 1 (1979): 3–18; and C. G. Jung, Lectures: Psychology and Religion (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1960).

3. W. James, The Principles of Psychology (New York: Holt, 1890), 206.

4. C. Jung, Collected Works, vol. 9, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1955/ 1968), 330.

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