Кто мы и как сюда попали. Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Дэвид Райх cтр.№ 79

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Онлайн книга - Кто мы и как сюда попали. Древняя ДНК и новая наука о человеческом прошлом | Автор книги - Дэвид Райх

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Рисунок 21. Рисунок построен по данным илл. 1 в: P. Skoglund et al. “Genetic Evidence for Two Founding Populations of the Americas”, Nature 525 (2015): 104–108.

Рисунок 23. Вероятные маршруты миграций ранних носителей тай-кадайских, австроазиатских и австронезийских языков показаны в соответствии с илл. 2 в: J. Diamond, P. Bellwood “Farmers and Their Languages: The First Expansions”, Science 300 (2003): 597–603.

Рисунок 24. Древняя береговая линия на панели 1 аппроксимирована в соответствии с картой в: A. Coo per, C. Stringer “Did the Denisovans Cross Wallace's Line?” Science 342 (2013): 321–323.

Рисунок 25. Иллюстрация дана по илл. 3D в: P. Skoglund et al. “Reconstructi ng Prehistoric African Population Structure”, Cell 171 (2017): 59–71.

Рисунок 26. Контуры африканских языковых семей даны по: M. C. Campbell, J. B. Hirbo, J. P. Townsend, S. A. Tishkoff “The Peo pling of the African Continent and the Diaspora into the New World”, Curr ent Opinion in Genetics and Development 29 (2014): 120–132, Fig. 3. Возможные пути миграций народов, ассоциированных с экспансией банту, показаны в соответствии с: Campbell et al. “The Peopling of the African Continent”, а также с учетом мнения Скотта Макичерна и результатов последующего генетического анализа, указывающего на малый вклад в наследие банту-говорящих восточноафриканцев от мигрантов, двигавшихся на север от тропических дождевых лесов (G. B. Busby et al. “Admixture into and Within Sub-Saharan Africa”, eLife 5 (2016): e15266; E. Patin et al. “Dispersals and Genetic Adaptation of Bantu-Speaking Pop ulations in Africa and North America”, Science 356 (2017): 543–546).

Рисунок 27. Здесь объединены данные с илл. 2B и 2C в: P. Skoglund et al. “Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure”, Cell 171 (2017): 59–71.

Рисунок 28. Приведен с разрешения по: M. Karmin et al. “A Recent Bottleneck of Y Chromosome Diversity Coincides with a Global Change in Culture”, Genome Research 25 (2015): 459–466, Fig. 2.


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8 A. Keller et al. “New Insights into the Tyrolean Iceman’s Origin and Phenotype as Inferred by Whole-Genome Sequencing”, Nature Communications 3 (2012): 698; P. Skoglund et al. “Ori gins and Genetic Legacy of Neolithic Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers in Europe”, Science 336 (2012): 466–469; I. Lazaridis et al. “Ancient Human Genomes Suggest Three Ancestral Populations for Present-Day Europeans”, Nature 513 (2014): 409–13.

9 J. K. Pickrell, D. Reich. “Toward a New History and Geography of Human Genes Informed by Ancient DNA”, Trends in Genetics 30 (2014): 377–89.

10 R. E. Green et al. “A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome”, Science 328 (2010): 710–722.

11 D. Reich et al. “Genetic History of an Archaic Hominin Group from Denisova Cave in Siberia”, Nature 468 (2010): 1053–1060.

12 M. Rasmussen et al. “Ancient Human Genome Sequence of an Extinct Palaeo-Eskimo”, Nature 463 (2010): 757–762.

13 W. Haak et al. “Massive Migration from the Steppe Was a Source for Indo-European Languages in Europe”, Nature 522 (2015): 207–211.

14 M. E. Allentoft et al. “Population Genomics of Bronze Age Eurasia”, Nature 522 (2015): 167–172.

15 I. Mathieson et al. “Genome-Wide Patterns of Selection in 230 Ancient Eurasians”, Nature 528 (2015): 499–503.

16 Q. Fu et al. “DNA Analysis of an Early Modern Human from Tianyuan Cave, China”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 110 (2013): 2223–2227.

17 H. Shang et al. “An Early Modern Human from Tianyuan Cave, Zhoukoudian, China”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 104 (2007): 6573–6578.

18 Haak et al. “Massive Migration”.

19 I. Lazaridis et al. “Genomic Insights into the Origin of Farming in the Ancient Near East”, Nature 536 (2016): 419–424.

20 P. Skoglund et al. “Genomic Insights into the Peopling of the Southwest Pacific”, Nature 538 (2016): 510–513.

21 Lazaridis et al. “Ancient Human Genomes”.

22 Pickrell, Reich. “Toward a New History”.

Глава 1. Как геном объясняет, кто мы такие

1 J. D. Watson and F. H. Crick. “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids; a Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid”, Nature 171 (1953): 737–738.

2 R. L. Cann, M. Stoneking, A. C. Wilson. “Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution”, Nature 325 (1987): 31–36.

3 Cann et al. “Mitochondrial DNA and Human Evolution”.

4 Q. Fu et al. “A Revised Timescale for Human Evolution Based on Ancient Mitochondrial Genomes”, Current Biology 23 (2013): 553–559.

5 D. E. Lieberman, B. M. McBratney, G. Krovitz. “The Evolution and Development of Cranial Form in Homo sapiens”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 99 (2002):1134– 39; Richter et al. “The Age of the Hominin Fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, and the Origins of the Middle Stone Age”, Nature 546 (2017): 293–296.

6 H. S. Groucutt et al. “Rethinking the Dispersal of Homo sapiens Out of Africa”, Evolutionary Anthropology 24 (2015): 149–164.

7 C.-J. Kind et al. “The Smile of the Lion Man: Recent Excavations in Stadel Cave (Baden-Württemberg, South-Western Germany) and the Restoration of the Famous Upper Palaeolithic Figurine”, Quartär 61 (2014): 129–145.

8 T. Higham et al. “The Timing and Spatiotemporal Patterning of Neanderthal Disappearance”, Nature 512 (2014): 306–309.

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