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Материалы ООН (см.: URL: www.un.org).

СССР и арабские страны, 1917–1960 гг. Документы и материалы. – М., 1961.

British Documents on the End of the Empire (BDEE). Series A. Vol. 2. The Labour Government and the End of Empire 1945–1951. Pt II. Economics and International Relations. – L., 1992.

British and Foreign Papers, 1953. Vol. 160–163. – L., 1962–1967.

British Foreign Policy: some relevant documents (Jan. 1950–Apl. 1955), Greenwood, 1978.

Congressional record: proceedings and debates of the 82th–85th Congresses. Vol. 97–104. Wash., 1955–1964.

Documents and speeches on Commonwealth Affairs, 1952–1962 / ed. by N. Mansergh, A. D. Lift. Oxford, 1963.

Foreign Office Papers. Suez Canal Annual Returns of Shipping and Tonnage for the Years 1953–1955. – L., 1956.

Foreign Policy bulletin. – Wash., 1952–1958.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954. Vol. IX. The Near East and Middle East (1986).

Foreign Relations of the United States, Suez crisis (July 27– December 31 1956). Vol. XVI. 1990.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957. Vol. XII. The Near East: Multilateral Relations; Iran; Iraq. 1992.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957. Vol. XIII. Near East: Jordan – Yemen. 1989.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960. Vol. XI. Lebanon and Jordan. 1992.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960. Vol. XII. Near East Region; Iraq; Iran; Arabian Peninsula. 1993.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960. Vol. XIII. Arab-Israeli Dispute; United Arab Republic; North Africa. 1992.

Foreign Relations of the United States, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Vol. XVII. Near East, 1961–1962. 1994.

Foreign Relations of the United States, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Vol. XVIII. Near East, 1962–1963. 1995.

NATO Strategy documents / ed. by G. Pedlow. Brussels, 1997.

Parliamentary debates. House of Commons. Vol. 513–597. – L., 1953–1964.

Public papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1952–1963. – Wash., 1955–1964.

The Western Powers and the Middle East 1959. A Documentary Record, June 1959, Chatham House Memoranda, R.I.I.A. Oxford Univ. press.

War Office, Memorandum of the Secretary of the State for War relating to the Army Estimates 1950–1957. – L., March 1950–1956.

Партийно-политические документы

Коммунистическая партия Советского Союза в резолюциях и решениях съездов, конференций и пленумов ЦК. Т. 9 (1956–1960). – М., 1986.

Материалы XX съезда КПСС. – М., 1956.

Материалы внеочередного XXI съезда КПСС. – М., 1959.

Президиум ЦК КПСС. 1954–1964. Протокольные записи заседаний. Стенограммы. Постановления. Т. 1. – М., 2004.

Election Campaign Guide 1964; The Conservative and Unionist Central Office. L., 1964.

John F. Kennedy, Address Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination. July 15, 1960. Transcription by Michael E. Eldenmuller, 2006.

Labour Party. Annual Conference 1957–1961, Brighton. – L., 1957–1962.

National Party Platforms, 1840–1960, Urbana, Сhicago, Univ. of Illinois, 1972.

Документы, размещенные в интернете

Foreign Relations of the United States на сайте Государственного департамента США (URL: http://www.state.gov).

Центральное разведывательное управление США (ЦРУ), коллекция он-лайн документов на сайте ведомства (URL: http://www.foia.cia.gov).

Коллекция электронных документов библиотеки Эйзенхауэра (URL: http://www.eisenhower.archives.gov).

Пресса и периодические издания

Правда (1953–1964).

Foreign Affairs (1953–1964).

Keesing’s Contemporary Archives. Vol. IX. 1952–1964. (Weekly Diary of Important World events with Index Continually kept up-to-date). – L., 1954–1965.

Independent (1953–1964).

Le Monde (1953–1964).

Le Figaro (1953–1964).

Middle Eastern Affairs (1952–1964).

Middle Eastern Journal (1952–1964).

New York Times (1953–1964).

Newsweek (1955–1964).

Survey of international Affairs. Year 1953–1964 (by Peter Calvocoressi), Oxford press, under R.I.I.A., 1956–1965.

The Economist (1955–1964).

The Evening Standard (1956–1964).

The Times (1953–1964).

Time (1952–1964).

US News and World Report (1955–1964).

Vital speeches of the Day (1955–1964).

Мемуары и дневники

Adams Sh. First-hand Report. The inside story of the Eisenhower Administration. – L., 1961.

Chamoune C. Crise au Moyen-Orient. P., 1963.

Dickson H. R.P. (Colonel Dickson) Kuwait and her Neighbours. – L., 1968.

Eden A. Full Circle. – L., 1960.

Eisenhower D.D. The Eisenhower diaries. – N.Y., 1981.

Eisenhower D.D. Mandate for Change: 1953–1956. – N.Y., 1963.

Eisenhower D.D. Waging Peace. – N.Y., 1965.

Gallman W. Iraq under General Nuri. My recollections of Nuri al-Said, 1954–1958.

Goldwater B.M. With no apologies: the personal and political memoirs of the US Senator B. M. Goldwater. – N.Y., 1979.

Glubb J. B. (Glubb Pasha) Syria, Lebanon, Jordan. – L., 1967.

Healy D. The Time of my Life. – L., 1990.

Kennan G. Memoirs. Vol. 2. – Boston, 1972.

Lloyd S. The Suez crisis. A personal account. – L., 1978.

Macmillan H. Tides of fortune, 1945–1955. – L., 1969.

Macmillan H. Riding the storm. 1956–1959. – N.Y., 1971.

Macmillan H. Pointing the Way. – L., 1972.

Murphy R. Diplomat among warriors. – Garden City, 1964.

Nasser G.A. Egypt’s Liberation. The Philosophy of the Revolution. – Wash., 1955.

Nasser G.A. President G. A. Nasser’s speeches and press interviews. – Cairo, 1959.

Nasser G.A. Towards freedom. – Cairo, 1959.

Nixon R. Six Crises. – N.Y., 1969.

Nutting A. I Saw for Myself: the Aftermath of Suez. – L., 1958.

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