Людвиг Витгенштейн. Долг гения - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Рэй Монк cтр.№ 191

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Онлайн книга - Людвиг Витгенштейн. Долг гения | Автор книги - Рэй Монк

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Kohler, Wolfgang. Gestalt Psychology (G. Bell & Sons, 1930).

Kraus, Karl. Die Letzten Tage der Menschenheit, 2 vols (Deutscher Taschenbuch, 1964).

No Compromise: Selected Writings, ed. Frederick Ungar (Ungar Publishing, 1984).

In These Great Times: A Karl Kraus Reader, ed. Harry Zohn (Carcanet, 1984).

Kreisel, G. «Wittgenstein’s ‘Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics’», British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, IX (1958), pp. 135–158.

• «Wittgenstein’s Theory and Practice of Philosophy», British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, XI (1960), pp. 238–252.

• «Critical Notice: ‘Lectures on the Foundations of Mathematics’», in Ludwig Wittgenstein: Critical Assessments, ed. S.G. Shanker (Croom Helm, 1986), pp. 98-110.

Leitner, Bernhard. The Architecture of Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Documentation (Studio International 1973).

Levy, Paul. G.E.Moore and the Cambridge Apostles (Oxford, 1981).

Luckhardt, C.G. Wittgenstein: Sources and Perspectives (Harvester, 1979).

Mabbott, John. Oxford Memories (Thornton’s, 1986).

MacShane, Frank, ed. Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler (Cape, 1981).

Mahon, J. «The Great Philosopher Who Came to Ireland», Irish Medical Times (February 14, 1986).

McGuinness, Brian. Wittgenstein: A Life. Young Ludwig 1889–1921 (Duckworth, 1988).

• ed. Wittgenstein and His Times (Blackwell, 1982).

McHale, Sister Mary Elwyn. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Survey of Source Material for a Philosophical Biography (MA thesis for the Catholic University of America, 1966).

Malcolm, Norman. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (with a Biographical Sketch by G.H. von Wright) (Oxford, rev. 2/1984).

Manvell, Roger, and Fraenkel, Heinrich. Hitler: The Man and the Myth (Grafton, 1978).

Mays, W. «Wittgenstein’s Manchester Period», Guardian (24 March 1961).

• «Wittgenstein in Manchester», in «Language, Logic, and Philosophy»: Proceedings of the 4th International Wittgenstein Symposium (1979), pp. 171–178.

Mehta, Ved. The Fly and the Fly-Bottle (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1963).

Moore, G.E. Philosophical Papers (Unwin, 1959).

Moran, John. «Wittgenstein and Russia», New Left Review, LXXIII (May-June 1972). Morton, Frederic. A Nervous Splendour (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1979).

Nedo, Michael, and Ranchetti, Michele. Wittgenstein: Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten (Suhrkamp, 1983).

Ogden, C.K., and Richards, I.A. The Meaning of Meaning (Kegan Paul, 1923).

Parak, Franz. Am anderen Ufer (Europäischer Verlag, 1969).

Partridge, Frances. Memories (Robin Clark, 1982).

Popper, Karl. Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography (Fontana, 1976).

Ramsey, F.P. «Critical Notice of L. Wittgenstein’s „Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus“», Mind, XXXII, no. 128 (October 1923), pp. 465–478.

Foundations: Essays in Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics and Economics (Routledge, 1978).

Rhees, Rush. «Wittgenstein» [review of Bartley, op. cit.], The Human Word, XIV (February 1974).

Discussions of Wittgenstein (Routledge, 1970).

Without Answers (Routledge, 1969).

• ed. Recollections of Wittgenstein (Oxford, 1984).

Richards, I.A. «The Strayed Poet», in Internal Colloquies (Routledge, 1972), pp. 183–186. Russell, Bertrand. Our Knowledge of the External World (Unwin, 1914).

The Analysis of Mind (Unwin, 1921).

In Praise of Idleness (Unwin, 1935).

Logic and Knowledge, ed. R. C. March (Unwin, 1956).

My Philosophical Development (Unwin, 1959).

Autobiography (Unwin, 1975).

Russell, Dora. The Tamarisk Tree, I: My Quest for Liberty and Love (Virago, 1977).

Ryan, Alan. Bertrand Russell: A Political Life (Allen Lane, 1988).

Gilbert Ryle, «Autobiographical», in Oscar P. Wood and George Pitcher, eds, Ryle.

Shanker, S.G. Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Croom Helm, 1987).

Sjogren, Marguerite. Granny et son temps (privately printed in Switzerland, 1982).

Skidelsky, Robert. John Maynard Keynes, I: Hopes Betrayed 1883–1920 (Macmillan, 1983).

Steiner, G. A Reading Against Shakespeare, W.P. Ker Lecture for 1986 (University of Glasgow, 1986). Thomson, George. «Wittgenstein: Some Personal Recollections», The Revolutionary World, XXXVII, no. 9 (1979), pp. 86–88.

Waismann, F. The Principles of Linguistic Philosophy, ed. R. Harre (Macmillan, 1965). Wittgenstein, Hermine. Familienerinnerungen (unpublished).

Wood, Oscar P., and Pitcher, George, eds. Ryle (Macmillan, 1971).

Wright, G.H. von. Wittgenstein (Blackwell, 1982).

• «Ludwig Wittgenstein. A Biographical Sketch», in Malcolm, op. cit.

Wuchterl, Kurt, and Hübner, Adolf. Ludwig Wittgenstein in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (Rowohlt, 1979).

Wünsche, Konrad. Der Volksschullehrer Ludwig Wittgenstein. Mit neuen Dokumenten und Briefen aus den Jahren 1919 bis 1926 (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1985).


«Весенний семестр 1930 года», пер. Т.А. Михайловой, Людвиг Витгенштейн: человек и мыслитель (М., 1993), с. 273–286.

Голубая и коричневая книги: предварительные материалы к «Философским исследованиям», пер. с англ. В.А. Суровцева, В.В. Иткина (Новосибирск: Сибирское университетское издательство, 2008).

«Дневники 1930–1932 и 1935–1937 годов», пер. с нем. В.В. Бибихина, Точки-Puncta, № 1–2 (2005), с. 213–287.

Дневники 1914–1916, под общ. ред. В.А. Суровцева (М.: Канон+, 2009).

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Заметки о философии психологии, пер. с нем. C.Д. Латушкина под ред. В.В. Анашвили (М.: Дом интеллектуальной книги, 2001), т. 1.

«Заметки по основаниям математики», Эпистемология и философия науки. Журнал Института философии РАН, т. XII, № 2 (2007), с. 220–240.

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