Душа осьминога. Тайны сознания удивительного существа - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Сай Монтгомери cтр.№ 67

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Онлайн книга - Душа осьминога. Тайны сознания удивительного существа | Автор книги - Сай Монтгомери

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Shubin, Neil. Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body. New York: Vintage, 2009.

Siers, James. Moorea. Wellington, New Zealand: Millwood Press, 1974.

Williams, Wendy. Kraken: The Curious, Exciting, and Slightly Disturbing Science of Squid. New York: Abrams Image, 2011.

Научные статьи

Anderson, Roland D., Jennifer Mather, Mathieu Q. Monette, and Stephanie R. M. Zimsen. «Octopuses (Enteroctopus Doflenini) Recognize Individual Humans». 2010. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 13: 261–72.

Boal, Jean Geary, Andrew W. Dunham, Kevin T. Williams, and Roger T. Hanlon. «Experimental Evidence for Spatial Learning in Octopuses (Octopus Biomaculoides)». 2000. Journal of Comparative Psychology 114: 246–52.

Brembs, B. «Towards a Scientific Concept of Free Will as a Biological Trait: Spontaneous Actions and Decision-Making in Invertebrates». 2011. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences 278 (170): 930–39.

Byrne, Ruth, Michael J. Kuba, Daniela V. Meisel, Ulrike Griebel, and Jennifer Mather. «Does Octopus Vulgaris Have Preferred Arms?» 2006. Journal of Comparative Psychology 120 (3): 198–204.

Godfrey-Smith, Peter, and Matthew Lawrence. «Long-Term High-Density Occupation of a Site by Octopus Tetricus and Possible Site Modification Due to Foraging Behavior». 2012. Marine Freshwater Behavior and Physiology 45 (4): 261–68.

Hochner, Binyamin, Tal Shormrat, and Graziano Fiorito. «The Octopus: A Model for a Comparative Analysis of the Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms». 2006. The Biological Bulletin 210 (3): 308–17.

Leite, T. S., M. Haimovici, W. Molina, and K. Warnke. «Morphological and Genetic Description of Octopus Insularis, a New Cryptic Species of the Octopus Vulgaris Complex from the Tropical Southwestern Atlantic». 2008. Journal of Molluscan Studies 74 (1): 63–74.

Lucerno, M., H. Farrington, and W. Gilly. «Quantification of L-Dopa and Dopamine in Squid Ink: Implications for Chemoreception». 1994. The Biological Bulletin 187 (1): 55–63.

Mather, J. A., Tatiana Leite, and Allan T. Battista. «Individual Prey Choices of Octopus: Are They Generalists or Specialists?» 2012. Current Zoology 58 (4): 597–603.

Mather, J. A. «Cephalopod Consciousness: Behavioral Evidence». 2008. Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1): 37–48.

Mather, J. A., and Roland C. Anderson. «Ethics and Invertebrates: a Cephalopod Perspective». 2007. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 75: 119–129.

Mather, J. A., and R. C. Anderson. «Exploration, Play and Habituation in Octopus Dofleini». 1999. Journal of Comparative Psychology 113: 333–38.

Mather, Jennifer A. «Cognition in Cephalopods». 1995. Advances in the Study of Behavior 24: 316–53.

Mather, J. A. «‘Home’ Choice and Modification by Juvenile Octopus Vulgaris:

Specialized Intelligence and Tool Use?» 1994. Journal of Zoology (London) 233: 359–68.

Mathger, Lydia M., Steven B. Roberts, and Roger T. Hanlon. «Evidence for

Distributed Light Sensing in the Skin of Cuttlefish, Sepia Officinalis». 2011. Biology Letters 6: 600–03.

Nair, J. Rajasekharan, Devika Pillai, Sophia Joseph, P. Gomathi, Priya V. Senan, and P. M. Sherief. «Cephalopod Research and Bioactive Substances». 2011. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 40 (1): 13–27.

Toussaint, R. K., David Scheel, G. K. Sage, and S. L. Talbot. «Nuclear and Mitochondrial Markers Reveal Evidence for Genetically Segregated Cryptic Speciation in Giant Pacific Octopuses from Prince William Sound, Alaska». 2012. Conservation Genetics 13 (6): 1483–97.


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