Первый человек. Жизнь Нила Армстронга  - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Джеймс Хансен cтр.№ 148

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Онлайн книга - Первый человек. Жизнь Нила Армстронга  | Автор книги - Джеймс Хансен

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Armstrong, Neil A. X-15 Operations: Electronics and the Pilot // Astronautics. – 1960. – № 5, P. 42–43, 76–78.

Armstrong, Neil A. Development of X-15 Self-Adaptive Flight Control System / Neil A. Armstrong, R. P. Johannes, T. C. Hays // Research Airplane-Committee Report on Conference on the Progress of the X-15 Project. – 1961.

Armstrong, Neil A. Flight-Simulated Off-the-Pad Escape and Landing Maneuvers for a Vertically Launched Hypersonic Glider / Neil A. Armstrong, G. J. Matranga, William H. Dana // NASA TM X-637, March 1962. – 1962.

Armstrong, Neil A. The X-15 Flight Program / Neil A. Armstrong, Joseph A. Walker, Forrest S. Petersen, Robert M. White // Proceedings of the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle, WA, May 8-10, 1962. – 1962.

Armstrong, Neil A. A Review of In-Flight Simulation Pertinent to Piloted Space Vehicles / Neil A. Armstrong, Euclid C. Holleman // AGARD Report 403, 21st Flight Mechanics Panel Meeting, Paris, France, July 9-11, 1962. – 1962.

Armstrong, Neil A. Pilot Utilization During Boost / Neil A. Armstrong, Euclid C. Holleman // Inter-Center Technical Conference on Control Guidance and Navigation Research for Manned Lunar Missions, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, July 24–25,1962. – 1962.

Armstrong, Neil A. X-15 Hydraulic Systems Performance // Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Dec. 1962. – 1962.

Armstrong, Neil A. Gemini Manned Flight Programs, // Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 8th Symposium. – 1964.

Armstrong, Neil A. Controlled Reentry / Multiple coauthors // Gemini Summary Conference, Houston, Texas, Feb. 1967. – 1967.

Armstrong, Neil A. Safety in Manned Spaceflight Preparation: A Crewman s Viewpoint // AIAA, 4th Annual Meeting, Oct. 1967. – 1967.

Armstrong, Neil A. Apollo Flight Crew Training in Lunar Landing Simulators / Neil A. Armstrong, S. H. Nassiff // AIAA Paper 68-254. – 1968.

Armstrong, Neil A. Lunar Landing Strategy // Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 13th Symposium. – 1969.

Armstrong, Neil A. The Blue Planet // World Wildlife Fund, London, England, Nov. 1970. – 1970.

Armstrong, Neil A. Lunar Surface Exploration // COSPAR, Leningrad, USSR, 1970. – 1970.

Armstrong, Neil A. Lunar Surface Exploration // Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1971. – 1971.

Armstrong, Neil A. Change in the Space Age, // The Mountbatten Lecture, University of Edinburgh, Mar. 1971. – 1971.

Armstrong, Neil A. Out of This World // Saturday Review/World, Aug. 24, 1974. – 1974.

Armstrong, Neil A. Apollo Double Diaphragm Pump for Use in Artificial Heart-Lung Systems / Neil A. Armstrong, H. J. Heimlich, E. A. Patrick, G. R. Rieveschl // AAMI National Meeting, Mar. 1975. – 1975.

Armstrong, Neil A. Intra-Lung Oxygenation for Chronic Lung Disease / Neil A. Armstrong, H. J. Heimlich, E. A. Patrick, G. R. Rieveschl // Benedum Foundation, 1976. – 1976.

Armstrong, Neil A. What America Means to Me // The Readers Digest, June 1976. – 1976. P. 75–76.

Armstrong, Neil A. A Citizen Looks at National Defense // National Defense, Sept.-Oct. 1978. – 1978.

Armstrong, Neil A. The Learjet Longhorn, First Jet with Winglets / P. J. Reynolds // Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 22nd Symposium. – 1978.

Armstrong, Neil A. Commencement Address // University of Cincinnati, June 13, 1982. – 1982.

Armstrong, Neil A. New Knowledge of the Earth from Space Exploration / Neil A. Armstrong, P. J. Lowman // Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca. – 1984.

Armstrong, Neil A. Wingless on Luna // 25th Wings Club General Harold R. Harris Sight Lecture, presented at Inter-Continental Hotel, New York City, May 20, 1988. New York: Wings Club, 1988. – 1988.

Armstrong, Neil A. Research Values in Contemporary Society // Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca. – 1989.

Armstrong, Neil A. Reflections by Neil A. Armstrong: We Joined Hands to Meet Challenge of Apollo Mission // Cincinnati Enquirer, July 20, 1989. – 1989.

Armstrong, Neil A. The Ozone Layer Controversy / Neil A. Armstrong, Mark S. Armstrong // Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Casablanca. – 1993.

Armstrong, Neil A. Engineering Aspects of a Lunar Landing / Neil A. Armstrong, Robert C. Seamans // The Lester D. Gardner Lecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 3, 1994. – 1994.

Armstrong, Neil A. Pressure Vessel Considerations in Aerospace Operations // National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Anchorage, AK. – 1995.

Armstrong, Neil A. Observations on Genetic Engineering / Neil A. Armstrong, Carol Knight Armstrong // Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Rabat. – 1997.

Другие основные источники

Bennett, Floyd V. Mission Planning for Lunar Module Descent and Ascent / Floyd V. Bennett. 11 Washington, DC: NASA Technical Note MSC-04919, Oct. 1971. – 1971.

CBS Television Network, 10:56:20 P.M., 7/20/69. [Запись телетрансляции]. – New York: Columbia Broadcasting System, 1970.

X-15: The NASA Mission Reports. / ed. Godwin, Robert. – Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 2000.

Dyna-Soar: Hypersonic Strategic Weapons System. – Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 2003.

Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports. 3 vols. – Burlington, Ontario: Apogee Books, 1999–2002.

Apollo Lunar Surface Journal / Jones, Eric P. – [https://history. nasa.gov/alsj7]

Low, George M. Latin American Tour with Astronauts Armstrong and Gordon, 7-31 Oct. 1966. – NASA Manned Spacecraft Center: Unpublished mss., Nov. 16, 1966. – 1966.

NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Biomedical Results of Apollo. – Washington, DC: NASA SP-368. – 1975.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription, Recorded on the Command Module Onboard Recorder Data Storage Equipment. – Houston: Manned Spacecraft Center, Aug. 1969. – 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report. – Washington, DC: NASA SP-214. – 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Spacecraft Commentary, July 16–24, 1969. – 1969.

NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription. Prepared for Data Logistics Office Test Division, Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, July 1969. – 1969.

National Commission on Space. Pioneering the Space Frontier: The Report of the National Commission on Space. – Toronto and New York: Bantam Books. – 1986.

Armstrong, Neil A. Neil Armstrong’s Comments on Behalf of the Apollo 11 Crew / Neil A. Armstrong. // Langley Medal Awards Ceremony, July 20,1999. – National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC. – 1999.

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