Не сходите с ума на работе - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Дэвид Хенссон, Джейсон Фрайд cтр.№ 24

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Онлайн книга - Не сходите с ума на работе | Автор книги - Дэвид Хенссон , Джейсон Фрайд

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Salter, Jessica. – Inside Isabel Allende‘s World: Writing, Love and Rag Dolls. The Telegraph, April 19, 2013. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/authorinterviews/10003099/Inside-Isabel-Allendes-world-writing-love-and-rag-dolls.html. Accessed June 2018.

Майя Энджелоу

Currey, Mason, ed. Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Ивон Шуинар

Welch, Liz. – The Way I Work: Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia. Inc., March 12, 2013. https://www.inc.com/magazine/201303/liz-welch/the-way-i-work-yvon-chouinard-patagonia.html. Accessed June 2018.

Брунелло Кучинелли

Malik, Om. – Brunello Cucinelli. Pico. https://pi.co/brunello-cucinelli-2/. Accessed June 2018.

Чарльз Дарвин

Currey, Mason, ed. Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Dunne, Carey. – Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens Only Worked Four Hours a Day – and You Should Too.Quartz, March 22, 2017. https://qz.com/937592/rest-by-alex-soojung-kim-pang-the-daily-routines-of-historys-greatest-thinkers-make-the-case-for-a-four-hour-workday/. Accessed June 2018.

Симона де Бовуар

Gobeil, Madeleine. – Simone de Beauvoir, The Art of Fiction No. 35. The Paris Review, Spring – Summer 1965. https://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/4444/simone-de-beauvoir-the-art-of-fiction-no-35-simone-de-beauvoir. Accessed June 2018.

Чарльз Диккенс

Andrews, Evan. – 8 Historical Figures with Unusual Work Habits. History.com, January 20, 2015. https://www.history.com/news/8-historical-figures-with-unusual-work-habits. Accessed June 2018.

Сандра Фабер

Annual Reviews. An Interview with Sandra Faber (podcast). Annual Reviews Audio. Available at https://www.annualreviews.org/do/10.1146/do.multimedia.2012.11.13.32/abs/. Accessed June 2018.

Атул Гаванде

Cunningham, Lillian. – Atul Gawande on the Ultimate End Game. The Washington Post, October 16, 2014. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2014/10/16/atul-gawande-on-what-leadership-means-in-medicine/?utm_term=.2d77b800f0be. Accessed June 2018.

Стивен Хокинг

Newport, Cal. – Stephen Hawking‘s Productive Laziness. Study Hacks Blog, January 11, 2017. http://calnewport.com/blog/2017/01/11/stephen-hawkings-productive-laziness/. Accessed June 2018.

Юки Каваути

Barker, Sarah. – What the World‘s Most Famous Amateur Can Teach Pro Runners. Deadspin, January 9, 2018. https://deadspin.com/yuki-kawauchi-can-teach-you-how-to-run-1821725233. Accessed June 2018.

Тони Кушнер

Brodsky, Katherine. – Fast Scenes, Slow Heart. Stage Directions: The Art and Technology of Theatre, March 31, 2010. http://stage-directions.com/current-issue/106-plays-a-playwriting/2258-fast-scenes-slow-heart.html. Accessed June 2018.

Густав Малер

Eichler, Jeremy. – Glimpsing Mahler‘s Music in Its Natural Habitat. The Boston Globe, April 7, 2016. https://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/music/2016/04/07/glimpsing-mahler-music-its-native-habitat/JlZewrlLp6fIiOgpUDw0LO/story.html. Accessed June 2018.

van der Waal van Dijk, Bert. – 1893–1896 Hotel Zum Hollengebirge (Composing cottage). Gustav-Mahler.eu, February 12, 2017. https://www.gustav-mahler.eu/index.php/plaatsen/168-austria/steinbach-am-attersee/3255-composing-cottage. Accessed June 2018.

Харуки Мураками

Wray, John. – Haruki Murakami, The Art of Fiction No. 182. The Paris Review, Summer 2004. https://www.theparisreview.org/interviews/2/haruki-murakami-the-art-of-fiction-no-182-haruki-murakami. Accessed June 2018.

Шонда Раймс

McCorvey, J. J. – Shonda Rhimes‘ Rule of Work: Come Into My Office with a Solution, Not a Problem. Fast Company, November 27, 2016. https://www.fastcompany.com/3065423/shonda-rhimes. Accessed June 2018.

Алиса Уотерс

Hambleton, Laura. – Chef Alice Waters Assesses Benefits of Old Age. The Washington Post, November 18, 2013. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/chef-alice-waters-assesses-benefits-of-old-age/2013/11/18/321e993a-1a37-11e3-82ef-a059e54c49d0_story.html. Accessed June 2018.

Колсон Уайтхед

Whitehead, Colson. – I’m Author Colson Whitehead – Just Another Down on His Luck Carny with a Pocketful of Broken Dreams – AMA. Reddit, March 26, 2018.

Опра Уинфри

Silva-Jelly, Natasha. – A Day in the Life of Oprah. Harper’s Bazaar, February 26, 2018. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a15895631/oprah-daily-routine/. Accessed June 2018.


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