Распутин. Вера, власть и закат Романовых - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Дуглас Смит cтр.№ 193

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Основные источники

Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia. Once a Grand Duke. New York, 1932.

Bashkiroff, Z. The Sickle and the Harvest. London, 1960.

Basily, Nicholas de. Nicolas de Basily, Diplomat of Russia, 1903–1917: Memoirs. Stanford, 1973.

Benckendorff, Count Paul. Last Days at Tsarskoe Selo. London, 1927.

Botkin, Gleb. The Real Romanovs. New York, 1931.

Bricaud, Joanny. «Un mage a la Cour de Russie». La Revue 16–17 (1918): 437–442.

Buchanan, Sir George William. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. 2 Vols. London, 1923.

Buchanan, Muriel. The Dissolution of Russia. London, 1932.

Buxhoevden, Sophie. Before the Storm. London, 1938.

Cantacuzene, Julia, Princess. Revolutionary Days; Recollections of Romanoffs and Bolsheviki, 1914–1917. Boston, (1919).

Cockfield, Jamie H, ed. Dollars and Diplomacy. Ambassador David Rowland Francis and the Fall of Tsarism, 1916–1917. Durham, NC, 1981.

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Dorr, Rheta Childe. Inside the Russian Revolution. New York, 1918; 1970 reprint.

Eager, M. Six Years at the Russian Court. London, 1906.

Francis, David. Russia from the American Embassy, April 1916 – November 1918. New York, 1921.

Francis, David. Russia in Transition. The Diplomatic Papers of David R. Francis, Ambassador to Russia. Frederick, MD, 1985.

Fuhrmann, Joseph Т., Ed., The Complete Wartime Correspondence of Tsar Nicholas II and the Empress Alexandra. April 1914 – March 1917. Greenwood, CT, 1999.

Gibbs, Philip. The Russian Diary of An Englishman, Petrograd, 1915–1917. New York, 1919.

Gilliard, Pierre. Thirteen Years at the Russian Court. Translated by F. Appleby Holt. London, 1921.

Golder, Frank. War, Revolution, and Peace in Russia. The Passages of Frank Golder, 1914–1927. Stanford, 1992.

Graham, Stephen. With the Russian Pilgrims to Jerusalem. London, 1914.

Iakhontov, A. N. Prologue to Revolution. Notes o f A. N. Iakhontov on the Secret Meetings of the Council of Ministers, 1915. Edited by Michael Cherniavsky. Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1967

Iliodor. «The Mad Monk of Russia, Iliodor. Life, Memoirs, and Confessions of Sergei Michailovich Trufanoff». New York, 1918.

Iliodor. «The Mystery of the Head in the Kremlin». Liberty, 18 February 1933.

Kalpaschikoff, Andrew. A Prisoner of Trotsky’s. Garden City, NY, 1920.

Kerensky, Alexander. The Catastrophe; Kerensky’s Own Story of the Russian Revolution. New York, 1927.

Kerensky, Alexander. Russia and Histoty’s Turning Point. New York, [1965].

Kleinpennig, Petra H., ed. The Correspondence of Empress Alexandra of Russia with Ernst Ludwig and Eleonore, Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Hesse, 1878–1916. Norderstedt, Germany, 2010.

Kokovtsov, V. Out of My Past: The Memoirs of Count Kokovtsov. Edited by H. H. Fisher. Translated by Laura Matveev. Stanford, 1935.

Korostovetz, Vladimir. Seed and Harvest. Translated by Dorothy Lumby. London, 1931.

Krarup, Theodora. 42 Aar i Czarriget og Sovjet. Copenhagen, 1941.

Lazovert, Stanislaus. «An Account of the Rasputin’s Assassination». In Charles F. Horne and Walter F. Austin, eds. Source Records of the Great War. Vol. 5. Alabama, 1923.

The Letters of Tsar Nicholas and Empress Marie, Being the Confidential Correspondence Between Nicholas II, the Last of the Tsars, and His Mother, Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. Edited by Edward]. Bing. London, 1937.

Lettres des Grand-Ducs a Nicolas II. Translated by M. Lichnevsky. Paris, 1926.

Liberman, Anatoly. On the Heights of Creation. The Lyrics of Fedor Tyutchev. Greenwich, CT, 1992.

Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce. The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart. Vol. 1: 1915–1938. Edited by Kenneth Young. London, 1973.

Lockhart, Sir Robert Bruce. Memoirs of a British Agent. London, 1932.

Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia. Education of a Princess. A Memoir. New York, 1931.

Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia. A Princess in Exile. New York, 1931.

Marie, Queen of Romania. The Story of My Life. New York, 1934.

Maylunas, Andrei, and Sergei Mironenko. A Lifelong Passion: Nicholas and Alexandra, Their Own Story. Translated by Darya Galy. New York, 1997.

Markow, Sergey von. Wie ich die Zarin befreien wollte. Zurich, 1929.

Maud, Renee Elton. One Year at the Russian Court: 1904–1905. London, 1918.

Miliukov, P. N. Political Memoirs, 1905–1917. Edited by Arthur P. Mendel. Translated by Carl Goldberg. Ann Arbor, MI, 1967.

Moe, Ronald C. Prelude to Revolution: The Murder of Rasputin. Chula Vista, CA, 2011.

Naryshkin-Kurakin, Elizabeth. Under Three Tsars. Edited by Rene Füllӧp-Miller. Translated by Julia E. Loesser. New York, 1931.

Nekludoff, A. V. Diplomatic Reminiscences, Before and During the World War, 1911–1917. Translated by Alexandra Paget. London, 1920.

New York Times Current History, The. Vol. 17. New York, 1919.

Nicolas II, emperor of Russia (Nikolai II). Letters of the Tsar to the Tsaritsa, 1914–1917. Translated by A. L. Hynes. Commentary by С. E. Vulliamy. London, 1929.

The Secret Letters of the Last Tsar. Edited by Edward J. Bing. New York, 1938.

Originalakten zum Mord an Rasputin. (Original Legal Documents Concerning the Murder of Rasputine.) With a Description in English. Offered for Sale by Karl W. Hiersemann. Leipzig, [1929].

Paleologue, Maurice. An Ambassador’s Memoirs. Translated by F. A. Holt. 3 Vols. London. 1923—25.

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