Талибан. Ислам, нефть и новая Большая игра в Центральной Азии - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Ахмед Рашид cтр.№ 92

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Онлайн книга - Талибан. Ислам, нефть и новая Большая игра в Центральной Азии | Автор книги - Ахмед Рашид

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Metcalf, Barbara, Islamic Revival in British India 1860–1900, Royal Book Company, Islamabad 1982.

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Naumkin, Vitaly, State, Religion and Society in Central Asia, Ithaca Press, Reading 1993.

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Olcott, Martha Brill, Central Asia’s New States, US Institute of Peace 1996.

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Pettifer, James, The Turkish Labyrinth — Ataturk and the New Islam, Penguin Books, London 1997.

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Rawlinson, Henry, England and Russia in the East, 1875, Reprinted by: Indus Publications, Karachi 1989.

Roy, Olivier, Afghanistan, from Holy War to Civil War, Princeton University 1995.

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Rubin, Barnett, «Afghanistan the forgotten crisis», Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2, UNHCR 1996.

Rubin, Barnett, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, State Formation and Collapse in the International System, Yale University Press, New Haven 1995.

Rubin, Barnett, The Search for Peace in Afghanistan, from Buffer State to Failed State, Yale University Press, New Haven 1995.

Rubin, Barnett and Snyder, Jack, Post-Soviet Political Order, Conflict and State Building, Routledge, London 1998.

Seward, Desmond, The Monks of War, the Military Religious Orders, Penguin, London 1972.

Shafqat, Saeed, Civil Military Relations in Pakistan. From Z.A. Bhutto to Benazir Bhutto, Westview Press 1998.

Sikorski, Radek, Dust of the Saints, Chatto and Windus, London 1989.

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Verrier, Anthony, Francis Younghusband and the Great Game, Jonathan Cape, London 1991.

Rashid, Ahmed, The Resurgence of Central Asia, Islam or Nationalism? Zed Books, London 1994.

Средства массовой информации

Пакистан: Dawn, Frontier Post, the Nation, the News, Herald.

США: International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times.

Другие: Agence France Press (AFP), Associated Press (AP), Reuters, Interfax, Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER), the Economist, the Guardian, the Independent, Le Monde.

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