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Онлайн книга - Анатомия финансового пузыря | Автор книги - Елена Чиркова

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44. Bates, David (1991), The Crash of ‘87: Was It Expected? The Evidence from Options Markets // Journal of Finance. July 1991. Vol. 46. No. 3.

45. Bernanke, Ben, and Gertler, Mark (2001), Should Central Banks Respond to Movements in Asset Prices? // American Economic Review. May 2001. Vol. 91. No. 2.

46. Bikhchandani, Suchil, Hirshleifer, David, and Welch, Ivo (1992), A Еheory of Fads, Fashion, Customs and Cultural Change as Informational Cascades // Journal of Political Economy. October 1992. Vol. 100. No. 5.

47. Bikhchandani, Suchil, Hirshleifer, David, and Welch, Ivo (1998), Learning from the Behavior of Others: Conformity, Fads, and Informational Cascades // Journal of Economic Perspectives. Summer 1998. Vol. 12. No. 3.

48. Binswanger, Hans (1998), The Challenge of Faust // Science 281. July 31, 1998. Iss. 5377.

49. Binswanger, Hans (1994), Money and Magic. A Critique of the Modern Economy in Light of Goethe’s Faust). – Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

50. Black, Fischer (1986), Noise. Journal of Finance, Vol. 41. No. 3. July 1986.

51. Blanchard, Oliver, and Watson, Mark (1982), Bubbles, Rational Expectations and Financial Markets // P. Wachtel. Crises in the Economics and Financial Structure. – Lexington: Lexington Books.

52. Brenner, Robert (2002), The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy. – London: Verso.

53. Brunnermeier, Markus (2001), Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information: Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding. – Oxford: Oxford University Press.

54. Buffett, Warren, and Loomis, Carol (1999), Mr. Buffett on the Stock Market. The Most Celebrated of Investors Says Socks Can’t Possibly Meet the Public’s Expectations. As for the Internet? He Notes How Few People Got Rich From Two Other Transforming Industries // Auto and Aviation, Fortune Magazine. 1999. November, 22.

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56. Bulow, Jeremy, and Klemperer, Paul (1994), Rational Frenzies and Crashes // The Journal of Political Economy. February 1994. Vol. 102. No. 1.

57. Camerer, Colin (1989), Bubbles and Fads in Asset Prices: A Review of Theory and Evidence // Journal of Economic Surveys. 1989. Vol. 3. No.1.

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60. Chan, Louis, Jegadeesh, Narasimhan, and Lakonishok, Josef (1996), Momentum Strategies, // Journal of Finance. December 1996. Vol. 51. No. 6.

61. Chancellor, Edward (2000), Devil Take the Hindmost: a History of Financial Speculation. – N.-Y.: Plume.

62. Costain, Thomas (1955), The Mississippi Bubble. – N.-Y.: Random House.

63. Cowles, Virginia (1960), The Great Swindle; the Story of the South Sea Bubble. – N.-Y.: Harper.

64. D’Avolio, Gene (2002), The Market for Borrowing Stock // Journal of Financial Economics. November-December, 2002. Vol. 66. No. 2–3.

65. Darwiche, Fida (1986), Gulf Stock Exchange Crash the Rise and Fall of the Souq Al-Manakh. – London: Routledge.

66. Dawson, Frank (1990), First Latin American Debt Crisis. The City of London and the 1822 – 1825 Loan Bubble. – Princeton: Princeton University Press.

67. De Long, Brandford, and Shleifer, Andrei (1991), The Stock Market Bubble of 1929: Evidence from Closed-end Mutual Funds // Journal of Economic History. September 1991. Vol. 51. No. 3.

68. Devenow, Andrea, and Welch, Ivo (1996), Rational Herding in Financial Economics // European Economic Review. April 1996. Vol. 40. No. 3–5 .

69. Donaldson, Glen, and Kamstra, Mark (1996), A New Dividend Forecasting Procedure That Rejects Bubbles in Asset Prices: The Case of 1929’s Stock Crash // Review of Financial Studies. Summer 1996. Vol. 9. No. 2.

70. Dreman, David (1998), Contrarian Investment Strategies in the Next Generation. – N.-Y.: Simon & Schuster.

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73. Faber, Mark (2008), Tomorrow’s Gold. Asia’s Age of Discovery. – Hong Kong: CLSA Books, 2008. (Первое издание: Faber, Mark (2002), Tomorrow’s Gold. Asia’s Age of Discovery. – Hong Kong: CLSA Books.)

74. Fama, Eugene (1998), Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance // Journal of Financial Economics. September 1998. Vol. 49. No. 3.

75. Faure, Edgar (1977), The Banqueroute de Law. – Paris: Gallimard.

76. Festinger, Leon (1957), Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. – Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

77. Flandreau, Marc, and Flores, Juan (2007), Bonds and Brands: Intermediaries and Reputation in Sovereign Debt Markets 1820–1830 // Working Paper. July 2007.

78. Fleckenstein, William, and Sheehan, Fred (2008), Greenspan’s Bubbles: The Age of Ignorance at the Federal Reserve. – N.-Y.: McGraw-Hill.

79. Flood, Robert, and Garber, Peter (1980), Market Fundamentals vs. Price Bubbles: The First Tests // Journal of Political Economy. August 1980. Vol. 88. No. 4.

80. Fodor, Giorgio (2002), The Boom that Never Was? Latin American Loans in London 1822–1825 // Working Paper University of Trento. 2002.

81. French, Doug (2006), The Dutch Monetary Environment During Tulipmania // The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. Spring 2006.Vol. 9. No. 1.

82. Fridson, Martin (1998), It Was a Very Good Year. Extraordinary Moments in Stock Market History. – N.-Y.: John Wiley and Sons.

83. Fuller, Joseph, and Jensen, Michael (2002), Just Say No To Wall Street // Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Winter 2002. Vol. 14. No. 4.

84. Galbraith, Kenneth (1993), A Short History of Financial Euphoria. – N.-Y.: Whittle Books.

85. Galbraith, Kenneth (1975), The Great Crash 1929. – London: Penguin Books, 1975. (Первое издание: Galbraith, Kenneth (1954), The Great Crash 1929. London: Penguin Books.)

86. Garber, Peter (1990), Famous First Bubbles // Journal of Economic Perspectives. Spring 1990. Vol. 4. No. 2.

87. Garber, Peter (1989), Tulipmania // Journal of Political Economy. June 1989. Vol. 97. No. 3.

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