Небесная голубизна ангельских одежд - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Елена Осокина cтр.№ 228

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Онлайн книга - Небесная голубизна ангельских одежд | Автор книги - Елена Осокина

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Шедевры русской иконописи XIV–XVI веков из частных собраний: Каталог. М., 2009.

Шесть веков русской иконы. Новые открытия: Выставка из частных собраний к 60-летию Музея им. Андрея Рублева / Ред. – сост. Н. И. Комашко. М., 2007.

Каталог збережених пам’яток Київського Церковно-археологiчного музею 1872–1922 рр. Київ, 2002.

Abel U., Moore V. Icons. Nationalmuseum. Stockholm, 2002.

Collecting Old Icons. Russian and Greek Icons, 15th–19th century / Simon Morsink and others, eds. Catalogue, Amsterdam, 2011.

Collection. M. P. Botkine. St. Petersbourg, 1911.

Collection de Mr. Otto O’Meara et de Mme, nee Moselli. Bruxelles, 1928.

Cormack R. Icons. London, 2007.

East Christian Art / Petsopoulos Y., ed. London, 1987.

Galavaris G. Icons from the Elvehjem Art Center. Madison, WI, 1973.

Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari. Icone russe. A cura di Carlo Pirovano. Milano, 1999.

The George R. Hann Collection. Part One. Russian icons, Ecclesiastical and Secular Works of Art, Embroidery, Silver, Porcelain and Malachite. Christie’s New York. 17–18 April, 1980.

Icônes de la collection du Musée d’art et d’histoire Genève / Stella Frigerio-Zeniou et Miroslav Lazovic, ed. Genève, 2006.

Imprinting the Divine. Byzantine and Russian Icons from the Menil Collection / Ed. by Annemarie Weyl Carr. Houston, 2011.

The Joseph E. Davies Collection of Russian Paintings and icons Presented to the University of Wisconsin. Catalogue issued by the Alumni Association of the University of Wisconsin of the City of New York. 1938.

Kjellin H. Ryskaikoner: Olof Aschberg still Nationalmuseum överlämnadesamling. Stockholm, 1933.

Kjellin H. Russiske Ikoner I Norsk og Svensk Eie. Oslo, 1956.

Kunstwerke aus den beständen Leningrader museen und schlösser Eremitage, palais Michailoff, Gatschina U. A. Rudolph Lepke’s kunst-auctions-haus, Berlin, 1928.

Muratoff P. Trente-cinq primitives russes. Collection Jacques Zolotnitzky, preface by Henri Focillon. Paris, 1931; англ. изд.: Thirty-Five Russian Primitives. Jacques Zolotnitzky’s Collection.

Nasjonalgalleriet. Katalog over utenlandsk malerkunst. Oslo, 1973.

Odom A., Arend L. P. A Teste for Splendor. Russian Imperial and European Treasures from the Hillwood Museum. Alexandria, Virginia, 1998.

Salmond Wendy R. An Imperial Collection: Exploring the Hammers’ Icons // Rublev to Fabergé: The Journey of Russian Art and Culture to America. Exhibition catalogue, Bob Jones University Museum, 2012.

Salmond Wendy R. Tradition in Transition. Russian Icons in the Age of Romanovs. Hillwood Museum and Gardens. Baltimore, 2004.

Sotheby’s. Icons. Russian Pictures and Works of Art 15th. June, 1995. London, 1995.

Temple R. Icons. A Search for Inner Meaning, London, 1982.

Thiébaut D. Ecoles diverses: Icônes: Grèce; Crète et Russie // Catalogue des peintures britanniques, espagnoles, germaniques, scandinaves et diverses du musée du Louvre, sous la direction d’Elisabeth Foucart-Walter, Olivier Meslay, Dominique Thiébaut, avec le concours de Guillaume Farault, Paris, 2013.

Timken Museum of Art. Eropean Works of Art, American Paintings, and Russian Icons in the Putnam Foundation Collection. San Diego: Putnam Foundation, 1996.

Каталоги первой советской иконной зарубежной выставки, 1929–1932

Denkmaler altrussischer Malerei. Ausstellung des Volksbildungskommissariats der RSFSR und der Deutschen Gesellschaft zum Studium Osteuropas Berlin, Koln, Hamburg, Frankfurt a.M., Munchen. Februar/Mai 1929. 2 Auflage, 1929.

Denkmaler altrussischer Malerei. Wien. September – Oktober, 1929.

Ancient Russian Icons. From the XIIth to the XIXth Centuries. Lent by the Government of the USSR to a British Committee and Exhibited by permission at the Victoria and Albert Museum. South Kensington, 18th November to 14th December, 1929. London, 1929.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Loan Exhibition. Russian Icons. Museum of Fine Art, Boston. October 14 – December 14, 1930.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. New York, January 12 – February 23, MCMXXXI [1931].

Russian icons. Worcester Art Museum. A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. Worcester, March 9 – April 5, MCMXXXI [1931].

The Memorial Art Gallery. A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. Rochester, May, MCMXXXI [1931].

M. H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco. A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. San Francisco. July 1 – August 31, MCMXXXI [1931].

St. Paul School of Art. A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. St. Paul, October 9 – November 9, MCMXXXI [1931].

The Art Institute of Chicago. Catalogue of Russian icons lent by the American Russian Institute. Chicago, December 22, 1931 to January 17 1932.

The Cleveland Museum of Art, A Catalogue of Russian Icons received from the American Russian Institute for Exhibition. Cleveland, February 18 to March 20, MCMXXXII [1932].

Cincinnati Art Museum. Exhibition of Russian Icons. March 29, 1932 through April 24, 1932.

Справочные издания, сборники документов

Государственный Эрмитаж. Музейные распродажи 1928–1929 годов. Архивные документы / Сост. Е. Ю. Соломаха. СПб., 2006.

Государственный Эрмитаж. Музейные распродажи, 1929 год: В 2 т. / Сост. Е. Ю. Соломаха. СПб., 2014.

Залесский К. А. Империя Сталина: Биографический энциклопедический словарь. М., 2000.

Изъятие церковных ценностей в Москве в 1922 году: Сб. документов из фонда Реввоенсовета Республики. М., 2006.

Музейные распродажи. Строгановский дворец / Сост. Е. Ю. Соломаха. СПб., 2015.

Отечественная реставрация в именах. 1918–1991 гг. / Сост. О. Л. Фирсова, Л. В. Шестопалова. М., 2010. Вып. 1.

Собрание узаконений и распоряжений правительства за 1917–1918 гг. М., 1942.

Эрмитаж, который мы потеряли: Документы 1920–1930 годов. СПб., 2001.

Художественная литература, мемуары, письма, дневники

Грабарь И. Письма. 1917–1941. М., 1977.

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