Безграничье. Прокачай мозг, запоминай быстрее - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Джим Квик cтр.№ 86

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Онлайн книга - Безграничье. Прокачай мозг, запоминай быстрее | Автор книги - Джим Квик

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Глава 12

1. Ralph Heibutzki, “The Effects of Cramming for a Test,” Education, November 21, 2017, education.seattlepi.com/effects-cramming-test-2719.html.

2. Mark Wheeler, “Cramming for a Test? Don’t Do It, Say UCLA Researchers,” UCLA Newsroom, August 22, 2012, newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/cramming – for-a-test-don-t-do-it-237733.

3. William R. Klemm, “Strategic Studying: The Value of Forced Recall,” Psychology Today, October 9, 2016, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ memory-medic/201610/strategic-studying-the-value-forced-recall.

4. Ibid.

5. James Gupta, “Spaced Repetition: a Hack to Make Your Brain Store Information,” The Guardian, January 23, 2016, www.theguardian.com/ education/2016/jan/23/spaced-repetition-a-hack-to-make-your-brain-store – information.

6. Jordan Gaines Lewis, “Smells Ring Bells: How Smell Triggers Memories and Emotions,” Psychology Today, January 12, 2015, www.psychologytoday.com/ us/blog/brain-babble/201501/smells-ring-bells-how-smell-triggers-memories – and-emotions.

7. Wu-Jing He, et al., “Emotional Reactions Mediate the Effect of Music Listening on Creative Thinking: Perspective of the Arousal-and-Mood Hypothesis,” Frontiers in Psychology 8 (September 26, 2017): 1680, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC5622952/.

8. Claire Kirsch, “If It’s Not Baroque Don’t Fix It,” The Belltower, January 25, 2017, http://belltower.mtaloy.edu/2017/01/if-its-not-baroque-dont-fix-it/.

9. Alina-Mihaela Busan, “Learning Styles of Medical Students – Implications in Education,” Current Health Sciences Journal 40, no. 2 (April – June 2014): 104–110, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4340450/.

10. Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson, “Now Hear This! Most People Stink at Listening [Excerpt],” Scientific American, May 3, 2013, www.scientificamerican.com/article/plateau-effect-digital-gadget-distraction-attention/.

11. Ibid.

12. Cindi May, “A Learning Secret: Don’t Take Notes with a Laptop,” Scientific American, June 3, 2014, www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-learning – secret-don-t-take-notes-with-a-laptop/

Глава 13

1. Eve Marder, “The Importance of Remembering,” eLife 6 (August 14, 2017), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5577906/.

2. William R. Klemm, “Five Reasons That Memory Matters,” Psychology Today, January 13, 2013, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/memory-medic/ 201301/five-reasons-memory-matters.

3. Joshua Foer, “How to Train Your Mind to Remember Anything,” CNN, 11 June 2012, www.cnn.com/2012/06/10/opinion/foer-ted-memory/index.html.

Глава 14

1. Lauren Duzbow, “Watch This. No. Read It!” Oprah.com, June 2008, www.oprah.com/health/how-reading-can-improve-your-memory#ixzz2VYPyX3uU.

2. “Keep Reading to Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay,” Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, last modified November 12, 2014, www.alzinfo.org/ articles/reading-alzheimers-bay/.

Глава 15

1. “Six Thinking Hats,” the De Bono Group, www.debonogroup.com/ six_thinking_hats.php.

2. “The Components of MI,” MI Oasis, www.multipleintelligencesoasis.org/ the-components-of-mi, accessed April 10, 2019.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. The Mind Tools Content Team, “VAK Learning Styles: Understanding How Team Members Learn,” Mind Tools, www.mindtools.com/pages/article/ vak-learning-styles.htm, accessed April 10, 2019.

6. Matt Callen, “The 40/70 Rule and How It Applies to You,” Digital Kickstart, last modified May 3, 2016, https://digitalkickstart.com/the-4070-rule-and – how-it-applies-to-you/.

7. Ibid.

8. Rimm, Allison, “Taming the Epic To-Do List.” Harvard Business Review, June 14, 2018, https://hbr.org/2018/03/taming-the-epic-to-do-list.

9. Peter Bevelin, Seeking Wisdom: from Darwin to Munger (PCA Publications LLC, 2018).

10. Ryan Holiday, Conspiracy: The True Story of Power, Sex, and a Billionaire’s Secret Plot to Destroy a Media Empire (New York: Portfolio, 2018).

11. “Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform,” Farnam Street, accessed January 22, 2019, https://fs.blog/2016/04/second-order – thinking/.

12. “Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik: Exponential Thinking with Naveen Jain,” Jim Kwik, May 4, 2018, https://jimkwik.com/kwik-brain-059-exponential – thinking-with-naveen-jain/.

13. Viome.com Home Page, Viome, Inc., accessed February 5, 2020, www.viome.com.

14. Mark Bonchek, “How to Create an Exponential Mindset,” Harvard Business Review, October 4, 2017, hbr.org/2016/07/how-to-create-an-exponential – mindset.

15. Evie Mackie, “Exponential Thinking,” Medium, Room Y, last modified August 30, 2018, medium.com/room-y/exponential-thinking-8d7cbb8aaf8a.

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