Жак Мадоль, Jacques Madaule , born on October 11th, 1898 with Castelnaudary (Aude) and deceased on March 19th, 1993, is a catholic intellectual writer and a French politician.
Historian, teacher, critical thinker, journalist and political militant.
Jacques Madaule received first with aggregation of history in 1922. Member of the French school of Rome, it is named professor in college and will finish his career with the Lycée Michelet of Vanves of 1935 to 1958.
Disciple of Emmanuel Mounier and the historian Jules Isaac, it collaborates in the review Esprit . He devotes several works to Paul Claudel.
Founder of the Friendship Judeo-Christian of France, it acted much so that the Catholic church gives up the Antisémitisme officially, in particular at the time of the Concile Vatican II.
He engages with the popular Republican movement with the Release and becomes adviser of Francisque Gay, Minister of state. He is then elected mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux of 1949 to 1952.
President of the National committee of the writers, in 1964, it publishes, in the form of a large autobiographical fresco, the history of his life in two volumes: the Interlocutor and Absent the (Gallimard). It is at this time, and for the whole of its work, which it receives the national Grand Prix of the letters. It is in addition one of the founders of the catholic Grand Prix of literature.
It also forms part of the direction of the Mouvement of peace, where it militates during more than 40 years.
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