Обри Бердслей. Биография - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Мэттью Стерджис cтр.№ 108

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Онлайн книга - Обри Бердслей. Биография | Автор книги - Мэттью Стерджис

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4. MDG, p. 263, 267; Margery Ross (ed.), op. cit., p. 46–47; MDG, p. 263; MDG, p. 273, 269; MDG, p. 278; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 107; MDG, p. 269; MDG, p. 274–285 passim; A. Beardsley, ‘The Celestial Lover’ [MS] notes (Princeton); E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 1.2.1897; MDG, p. 285–290.

5. MDG, p. 285–288; MDG, p. 293, 290; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 1.2.1897; H. Harland, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437–438; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 26; L. Johnson to Imogen Guiney, 30.10.1898 (Private Collection); Hugh F. Blunt, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – A Study in Conversion’, Catholic World, March 1932, p. 641–650; MDG, p. 289.

6. MDG, p. 297, 294; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 368.

7. MDG, p. 297–298; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 22.3. [1897], in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 47; MDG, p. 298; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 22.3. [1897]; MDG, p. 299–311 passim.

8. MDG, p. 308; H. Davray, ‘L’Art d’Aubrey Beardsley’, L’Ermitage, March 1897, p. 253–61; Alexander Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 613; Saturday Review, 19.12.1896, p. 645–646, reprinted in A. Symons, Studies in Two Literatures (London, 1897); John Stokes, ‘Beardsley/Jarry: The Art of Deformation’, RAB, p. 55–70; A. Jarry, ‘Exploits and Opinions of Dr Faustroll’, in Roger Shattuck and Simon Watson-Taylor (eds/trans.), Selected Works of Alfred Jarry (London, 1965), p. 186, 201–202.

9. MDG, p. 305–309; MDG, p. 279, MDG, p. 315; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 23 5; MDG, p. 314; Claude Dauphine, Rachilde (Paris, 1991); Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 235; MDG, p. 313–320 passim; Weintraub, p. 237; Rothenstein, Men and Memories, p. 317–318; MDG, p. 320.

10. MDG, p. 315–326 passim; ALS E. A. Beardsley to Mabel Beardsley, 10.12. (1904] (Princeton); MDG, p. 325.

11. Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 388; AB to L. Smithers, in Boston Evening Transcript, 17.11.1920, p. 4; MDG, p. 326–337 passim.

12. MDG, p. 323; MDG, p. 335–351 passim; J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 91–92.

13. R. Ellman, Oscar Wilde, p. 502fF.; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 635; Norman Page, The Oscar Wilde Chronology (Boston, 1991), p. 77; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 627; MDG, p. 351; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), More Letters of Oscar Wilde (Oxford, 1985), p. 151; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 86–87; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 635; L. Smithers to O. Wilde, 2.9.1897 in ibid, p. 635 n. 2.

14. Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 245; Rothenstein, Tlie Life and Death of Conder, p. 136; MDG, p. 355, 357–358; L. Smithers to O. Wilde, 2.9.1897; M. Beardsley to J. – E. Blanche in J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 95–96; MDG, p. 361–362.

15. MDG, p. 365, 367; S. Diaghilev to D.S. MacColl, 21.9.1898, in A. Haskell and W. Nouvel, Diaghileff (NY, 1935), p. 72–73; MDG, p. 364; Douglas Ainslie, Adventures Social and Literary (London, 1922), p. 258; ALS E. A. Beardsley to D. Ainslie, 11.941897] (Princeton).

16. MDG, p. 368–370; for Olive Custance, cf. Brocard Sewell, Olive Custance: Her Life and Work (London, 1975); M. Benkovitz, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 170–171; Yellow Book, VII; MDG, p. 250, 267; ALS O. Custance to J. Lane [n.d.] (Private Collection); MDG, p. 378–386 passim; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 397; MDG, p. 373, 376; V. O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS] (Princeton), p. 10; MDG, p. 382–392 passim.

Глава X. Смерть Пьеро

1. MDG, p. 396; Eustace Reynolds-Ball, Mediterranean Winter Resorts (London, 1899, ed.), p. 91, 93; MDG, p. 395; last photograph of AB, reproduced in Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437; MDG, p. 397, MDG, p. 426; MDG, p. 397–407 passim.

2. AB, ‘Volpone, by Ben Johnson, 7 January, 1898’ [MS] (Princeton); MDG, p. 404–418 passim; Thomas Beer, The Mauve Decade (NY, 1926), p. 249; H. Harland, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437; MDG, p. 412–427 passim; Rocket, 20.2.1898, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 202; MDG, p. 428, 440, 436; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 27; MDG, p. 430–436; Weintraub, op. cit., p. 252; MDG, p. 439; E. A. Beardsley to M. Beardsley, 10.12. [1904]; B. Misc., p. 107, 116; the MS is at Princeton; M. Easton, p. 115; MDG, p. 437; AB to Tristan Klingsor, 28.2. [1898] in Revue Illustre, 15.6.1898, p. 435.

3. MDG, p. 440–441; John Gray, ‘Introduction’, Last Letters of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1904); MDG, p. 413; Alexander Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 613; MDG, p. 439; J. Gray, op. cit; MDG, p. 441; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 615n; ALS A. Raffalovich to J. Gray, 9.10.1904 (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh); MDG, p. 404, 441; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 615n; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 27; Ross states that AB received the last rites two days before he died; MDG, p. 440; Mabel Beardsley to A. Raffalovich in A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 614; J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 94; M. Beardsley to A. Raffalovich, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 614; unlabelled newspaper cutting [March, 1898], BGS Archive (Lewes); MDG, p. 441.


1. The Times, 18.3.1898, St James’s Budget, 25.3.1898; Sketch, 23.3.1898, Black and Wliite, 26.3.1898, St Paul’s, 2.4.1898.

2. Daily Chronicle, 17.3.1898; Studio, 13, 1898; Magazine of Art, 22, 1898; Academy, 55, 1898; Revue Blanche, 16, 1898; Poster and Art Collector, 1, 1898.

3. Ross to Smithers, in Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 729–730. Emporium, 7, 1898, p. 352–355; Dekorative Kunst, 2, 1898, p. 18–21.

4. cALS Mabel Beardsley to Raffalovich, 20.5.1898; Blackfriars, Edinburgh.

5. Times (New York), 28.5.1898, p. 358; ALS Gray to Raffalovich, 20.2.1899; National Library of Scotland.

6. TLS R. A. Walker to J. Harlin O’Connell, 5.7.1949, Princeton.

7. cf. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady; Jack Smithers, The Early Life and Vicissitudes of Jack Smithers (London, 1939).

8. Gleeson White, ‘The Art Movement. «Jugend»: some decorations and a moral’, Magazine of Art, 21, 1898, p. 40–44.

9. Sidney Horler, Strictly Personal (London, 1950), p. 227–228.

10. G. Richards, Author Hunting, p. 200; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 265.

11. Patricia Morrisroe, Mapplethorpe (London, 1995), p. 181, 297.

12. Philip Hensher, ‘Waiting for a Hundred Years’, Spectator, 3.8.1996, p. 8–10.

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