Ретромания. Поп-культура в плену собственного прошлого - читать онлайн книгу. Автор: Саймон Рейнольдс cтр.№ 135

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Онлайн книга - Ретромания. Поп-культура в плену собственного прошлого | Автор книги - Саймон Рейнольдс

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Beezer, Wild Dayz: Photos by Beezer (Bristol: Tangent Books, 2009)

Belz, Carl, ‘Rock and Fine Art’ (The Beatles’ White Album) Originally from Belz, Carl, The Story of Rock (1969) Reprinted in Mike Evans (Ed.), The Beatles: Literary Anthology (London: Plexus, 2004)

Benjamin, Walter, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’, ‘Unpacking My Library: A Talk About Book

Collecting’, ‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’, in Illuminations: Essays and Refl ections, trans. Harry Zohn, edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1968)


Berman, Deborah Baiano, ‘Deadheads as a Moral Community’, диссертация, 2002, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University

Berman, Judith, ‘Science Fiction without the Future’, первая публикация в New York Review of Science Fiction, May 2001. Перепечатано James Gunn, and Matthew Candelaria, Speculations on Speculation: Theories of Science Fiction (Lanham, Maryland: 2005)

Blackson, Robert, ‘One More .. . With Feeling: Reenactment in Contemporary Art and Culture, Art Journal, Spring 2007 Blanning, Lisa, Madlib profile, The Wire, issue no. 306, August 2009 Blom, Philipp, To Have and to Hold: An Intimate History of Collectors and Collecting (New York: The Overlook Press, 2003) Bloom, Harold, The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973)

— A Map of Misreading (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975) Booker, Christopher, The Neophiliacs: A Study of the Revolution

in English Life in the Fifties and Sixties (London: Wm. Collins, 1969) Bourriaud, Nicolas, Postproduction: Culture As Screenplay: How Art Reprograms the World (second edn) (New York: Lucas & Sternberg, 2005)

— Interview by Bennett Simpson, ArtForum, April 2001.

Boym, Svetlana, The Future of Nostalgia (New York: Basic Books, 2002) Bracewell, Michael, ‘Road to Nowhere’, Frieze, issue 54, September—-October 2000

Bromberg, Craig, The Wicked Ways of Malcolm McLaren (New York: Harper & Row, 1989)

Brooks, David, ‘The Nation of Futurity’, New York Times, 16 November 2009

Brown, Stephen, Marketing — The Retro Revolution (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001)

— and John F. Sherryjr (Eds), Time, Space and the Market: Retroscapes Rising (Armonk, New York: M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 2003)

Burchill, Julie, ‘Rock’s Rich Tapestry’, singles reviews column, New Musical Express, 25 October 1980

Burton, Johanna, ‘Repeat Performance: Marina Abramovic’s Seven Easy Pieces’, ArtForum, January 2006 Cohn, Nik, Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom: Pop from the Beginning (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd., 1969)


Cope, Julian, Krautrocksampler: One Head’s Guide to the Great Kosmische Musik— 1968 Onwards (London: Head Heritage, 1995)

—Japrocksampler: How the Post-War Japanese Blew Their Minds on Rock’n’ Roll (London: Bloomsbury, 2007)

Crowley, David, and Jane Pavitt (Eds), Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970 (London: V&A Publishing, 2008)

Davis, Fred, Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia (New York: Free Press, 1979)

Derrida, Jacques, Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International (New York: Routledge, 1994)

— Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression, trans. Eric Prenowitz (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1995)

Dettmar, Kevin J. H., Is Rock Dead? (New York: Routledge, 2005)

De Walley, Chas, ‘Power Pop Part 1: Suddenly, Everything Is Power Pop!’ Sounds, 11 February 1978

Dibbell, Julian, ‘Unpacking Our Hard Drives: Discophilia in the Age of Digital Reproduction’, in Eric Weisbard (Ed.), This Is Pop:

In Search of the Elusive at Experience Music Project (Cambridge,

MA: Harvard University Press, 2004)

Drummond, Bill, ‘Silence Is Golden — Or for at Least One Day of the Tear It Is’/No Music Day manifesto, Observer, 15 October 2006 Eisenberg, Evan, The Recording Angel: Music, Records and Culture from Aristotle to Zappa, originally published in 1987 (second edn: New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005)

Eklund, Douglas, The Pictures Generation, 1974-1984 (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009)

Eisner, John, and Roger Cardinal (Eds), The Cultures of Collecting (Critical Views) (London: Reaktion Books, March 1994)

Eno, Brian, Review of Jay David Bolter’s Writing Space, Artforum International, Vol. 30, November 1991

— Interviewed by Kevin Kelly, Wired 3.05, May 1995

Evans, David, Appropriation (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009) Fellows, Will, A Passion to Preserve: Gay Men as Keepers of Culture

(Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2004)


Finney, Tim, Review of Kompakt compilation Total 7, Pitchfork,

15 September 2006

Fisher, Mark, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (Winchester: 0 Books, 2009)

— (writing as K-punk), Belbury Poly/Jim Jupp interview.

FACT magazine, 4 February 2009. Онлайн: http://wwwfactmag. сот/2009/02/04/interview-belbury-poly/

Foreman, Richard, ‘The Pancake People, или «‘The Gods Are Pounding My Head»’, 3 August 2005 онлайн: http://www.edge.org/3rd_ culture

Gibson, William, Book Expo America Luncheon talk. Онлайн: http:// blog.williamgibsonbooks.com/2010/05/31/book-expo-american-luncheon-talk.

— Интервью BBC News. 12 October 2010. Онлайн: http://www.bbc. co.uk/news/technology-11502715

Goldman, Vivien, ‘The Road to Wigan Casino: Northern Soul’, New Musical Express, 11 October 1975. Reprinted in The Sound and the Fury: 40 Years of Classic Rock Journalism (Ed. Barney Hoskyns) (London: Bloomsbury, 2003)

Greene, Jo-Anne, ‘Long-Lost Punk and Folk Resurface’, Goldmine,

21 September 2008

Gregson, Nicky, Kate Brooks and Louise Crewe, ‘Bjorn Again? Rethinking 70s Revivalism Through the Reappropriation of 70s Clothing’, in Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture,

Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 3-27 (25)

Guffey, Elizabeth, Retro: The Culture of Revival (London: Reaktion Books, 2006)

Hatherley, Owen, Militant Modernism (Winchester: 0 Books, 2008)

Heiser, Jorg, ‘Pick & Mix: What Is «super-hybridity»?’ Frieze magazine, September 2010

— with Ronald Jones, Nina Powers, Seth Price, Sukhdev Sandhu and Flito Steyerl, ‘Analyze This’ (круглый стол no проблеме сверхгибридно-emu), Frieze magazine, September 2010

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